Foundation N Name of the foundation Accountს N Case N Document name Date Number of pages Note
2094 Society of Georgian culture lovers 51 The recording of the lecture given by G. Zhordania \"Folk customs and their scientific value\" at the meeting of the society 10.6.1916 7
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 1 1 Poems by Razhden Khundadze: \"Bagratis Dzveli Tadzari\" and others. With his own preface. 1889-1905 83 Autograph
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 2 \"Kutaisis Dzveli Tsikhe\", \"Ghmerti Tsikhe\", \"Ghmerti Rad Mitsqens Amasa and others 1893-1908 83 Autograph
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 3 \"Sumsa\" and others 1895-1902 84 Autograph
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 4 \"Kheltubans\", \"Mkitkhvels\" and others 1898-1908 114 Autograph
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 5 \"Boroti Mepe\" and others 1909-1911 83 Autograph
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 6 \"Musha Simona\", \"Gulo Chagrulo\" and others 1915-1922 84 Autograph
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 7 \"Saplavebi Gmirta Gmiris\"… and others 1922 29 Autograph
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 8 \"Iavnari Miitsura\", \"Arkhimandrit Nestors\" and others 1923-1928 73 Autograph
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 9 \"Glekhis Simghera\" and others 1928-1929 67 Autograph
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 10 \"Georgian Chant\". Published by: Razhden Khundadze, Anton Dumbadze, Dimitri Chalaganidze and Ivliane Tsereteli. Tbilisi - 1895 1895 70
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 11 \"Georgian Chant/Liturgy/\" recorded by Razhden Khundadze. Tbilisi - 1912 1912 55
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 12 The libretto of R. Khundadze\'s opera \"Utsnauri Kortsili\", composed 1927 23
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 13 Chant of Razhden Khundadze received by the Georgian Composers\' Union and a list of chants taken by him on notes 26.11.1936 1
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 14 L. Gavasheli\'s letter: \"Unspeakable figure of Georgian music\", journal \"Sabchota Khelovneba\" N7 Undated 2
2095 Razhden son of Toma Khundadze 15 Ketevan Khundadze\'s memoir about Razhden Khundadze. Undated 7 Manuscript
2100 Kristepore son of Murman Tsitskishvili - (Urneli) - Metropolitan bishop of Tskhum-Abkhazia 1 50 Certificate of protoiereus given by the temporary chair of the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, Bishop Kristepore Urbneli, to the priest Nestor Kontridze, head of the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Likhauri village Batumi-Shemokmedi Eparchy, due to his ordination to the degree of protoiereus 12.06.1924 2 Manuscript, Original
2100 Kristepore son of Murman Tsitskishvili - (Urneli) - Metropolitan bishop of Tskhum-Abkhazia 59 Letters of Kristepore Tsitskishvili: \"Patriotism\", \"Civilization\" (signed: \"Ecclesiastes\"), \"Tbetoba\", (signed: \"Zemo Imereli\"), \"Legend about Tamar\", \"Our current workers\" (unfinished), folk.Oral history about the construction of St. George\'s Church of Tbeti (Khunevi community, Shorapni Uezd) 1889-1893 5 Manuscript Original
2100 Kristepore son of Murman Tsitskishvili - (Urneli) - Metropolitan bishop of Tskhum-Abkhazia 100 Church chant - a text in praise of Our Lady Undated 2 Manuscript
2100 Kristepore son of Murman Tsitskishvili - (Urneli) - Metropolitan bishop of Tskhum-Abkhazia 101 Georgian church chants taken on notes Undated 1 By printing house
2101 Ioseb son of Giorgi Matiashvili 1 59 I. Matiashvili\'s records - types of diseases; Old names of men and women in Anaga village, etc. Undated 2 Manuscript
2101 Ioseb son of Giorgi Matiashvili 77 Letter to Ioseb Matiashvili from Stepane Menteshashvili, with explanation of some Georgian words (rvil, tsvini, uzhmuri, uzhakeli, avakhi) 03.10.1947 3
2101 Ioseb son of Giorgi Matiashvili 91 Photograph. Vano Sarajishvili (1879-1924), People\'s Artist of the Georgian SSR. postcard. Publication of the newspaper \"Literatura da Khelovneba\" Undated 1 By printing house
2133 Vasil son of Solomon Tamarashvili 1 1 Autobiography of Vasil son of Mikheili Tamarashvili 1952 December 8 In Georgian and Russian, machine-printed
2133 Vasil son of Solomon Tamarashvili 2 Vasil Tamarashvili\'s biography and creative work (prepared by Vasil Tamarashvili\'s grandson Nodar Khitarishvili) 06.10.2011 9
2133 Vasil son of Solomon Tamarashvili 3 Vasil Tamarashvili\'s graduation certificate from musical schoolf of the Tbilisi branch of the Russian Music Society 13.12.1911 1 In Russian Original
2133 Vasil son of Solomon Tamarashvili 4 The certificate issued by Zakaria Paliashvili, the music director of the Georgian Philharmonic Society of Tbilisi, about Vasil Tamarashvili\'s graduation from school with honors 7.05.1914 1
2133 Vasil son of Solomon Tamarashvili 6 Vasil Tamarashvili\'s music school graduation certificate 13.12.1911 1 In Russian, machine-printed
2133 Vasil son of Solomon Tamarashvili 7 The order of the Department of Art Affairs on the appointment of Vasil Tamarashvili as the head of the reconstruction of Georgian folk instruments 11.07.1937 2
2133 Vasil son of Solomon Tamarashvili 8 Minutes of the session of the Department of Art Affairs on the creation of an orchestra of reconstructed Georgian folk musical instruments 13.12.1937 4
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