Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
P1-28051 G. Papalashvili listened to the two-year course of the People\'s University of Culture. G.Papalashvili with his spouse 1967 Iqalto From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-28052 G. Papalashvili, 94 years old, is often seen at the People\'s University of Culture. 1967 Iqalto From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-28053 An ensemble of elders of Sokhumi. From the left: Shaadat Markholia, Michu Ashuba, Grigory Aiba, David Aiba, Gvaji Lomia Maadan Sakanya.. 1965 Sokhumi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-28405 Benny Goodman with orchestra in Tbilisi. Nino Ramishvili, Iliko Sukhishvili, ....., B.Goodman 1972 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-28406 Benny Goodman with orchestra in Tbilisi. Nino Ramishvili, Iliko Sukhishvili, ....., B.Goodman 1972 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-28407 Benny Goodman with orchestra in Tbilisi. Nino Ramishvili, Iliko Sukhishvili, ....., B.Goodman 1972 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-28408 Benny Goodman with orchestra in Tbilisi. Nino Ramishvili, Iliko Sukhishvili, ....., B.Goodman 1972 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-28909 Folk instrument pandur, the technique of making it 1969 Batumi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-29364 The evening of Ishkhneli sistersat the Art Workers House. O. Egadze, M. Nakashidze, and Ishkhneli sisters are sitting in the first row From the Art Palace of Tbilisi
P1-29371 Ana Vardiashvili, the performer of Georgian urban songs with her daughter at the Art Workers House. Tbilisi From the Art Palace of Tbilisi
P1-29374 Maro Tarkhnishvili comes out with her choir members on the anniversary of the actress Tsatsa Amirajibi, Tsatsa Amirajibi sits on the left Tbilisi From the Art Palace of Tbilisi
P1-29462 Self-operating artistic collective of the I. Chavchavadze culture house of Medical Workers in Moscow. Moscow From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-29535 Georgian Days of Culture and Art in Moscow. The Honored Dance Ensemble of the Georgian SSR is a guest at the Moscow factory Kalibri. 1967 Moscow From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-29536 Georgian Days of Culture and Art in Moscow. The Honored Dance Ensemble of the Georgian SSR is a guest at the Moscow factory Kalibri. The head of ensemble, Iliko Sukhishvili in the center 1967 Moscow From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-29540 Bard and poet Akaki Bibileishvili, with the actors of the Sokhumi Theatre, Nina Lagutina and Ardashel Avidzba. 1966 Sokhumi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-30695 Honored Worker of Culture of the Georgian SSR, Veteran choirmaster Ahmed Nogheideli. 1938 Reproduction A.Aliev
P1-30697 Artem Erkomaishvili, honored artist of Georgia, famous choirmaster, performer of Georgian folk songs 1942 Batumi Reproduction A.Aliev
P1-30699 Honored Artist of the Republic, Choirmaster Meliton Sopromadze. Portrait. Batumi From television
P1-30700 Honored choirmaster, famous singer Murad Ananidze. 1946 Batumi From television
P1-30701 Famous singer, the Honored choirmaster of Achara, Ali Takidze Kobuleti From television
P1-30702 Blind wandering musician, bard Khussein son of Khusheti Bajelidze Batumi From television
P1-30704 Honored worker of Acharian culture choirmaster Khasan Ananidze From television
P1-30706 Acharian folk instrument Chiboni, performer - Edem Surmanidze / Kochakhela / From television
P1-30707 The People\'s Academic choir of Achara, winner of the 2nd Republican Olympics of Georgia. Tours in the city of Leningrad. 1929 Leningrad From television
P1-30708 People\'s Academic choir of Achara, Artistic Head of the choir, Honored Artist of the Republic Meliton Kukhianidze at the Center 1925 Batumi From television
P1-30709 People\'s Academic choir of Achara, Artistic Head of the choir, Honored Artist of the Republic Meliton Kukhianidze at the Center 1924 Batumi From television
P1-30710 Mutual creative meeting of the choirs of choirmasters Dz. Lolua and S. Kavsadze. In the city of Chiatura. A. Tsereteli in the center, in the first row. 1912 Chiatura From television
P1-30711 Mutual Creative Meeting of the Achara State Academic choir and Tbilisi Rustaveli Theatre in Batumi. Sandro Akhmeteli, M. Kukhianidze, M. Davitashvili, P. Kandelaki and others sit in the center 1932 Batumi From television
P1-30716 Listeners of the Batumi School of Choreography. Teacher, choreographer Chutladze in the center 1939 Batumi From television
P1-30718 The choir of the singers of Batumi Workers participating in the First Republican Olympics of Georgian Folk Creativity, Head, the Honored artist of Georgia Artem Erkomaishvili /in the Center/on the left, his father Gigo Erkomaishvili, on the right, Giorgi Babilodze. 1927 Kutaisi From television
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