Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
P1-33272 Nino Ramishvili and Iliko Sukhishvili during the dance. Soloists of the ensemble of Georgian Folk Dance 1940
P1-33292 Choreographer - D. Javrishvili.
P1-33293 Famous chanters-singers Gigo Erkomaishvili and Giorgi Babilodze. 1920-30
P1-33333 Members of the Scientific Council of the Central State Archive of Film and Photographic Documents of the Georgian SSR. Candidate of art studies - A. Mamasakhlisi, professor - P. Khuchua and guest of the archive, the artist of the USSR - I. Sukhishvili. 1975 Tbilisi
P1-34187 A family of Chikovani singers. Eldest daughter Marika, mother, Gigia, father Zurab and younger daughter Eta. 1971 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-34655 State Honored Ensemble of Georgian Folk Dance Dance Kintauri. 1964 From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-34656 State Honored Ensemble Dance of Georgian Folk Dance Kartuli Ritmebi 1964 From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-34657 State Honored Ensemble of Georgian Folk Dance Dance Parikaoba 1964 From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-34658 State Honored Ensemble of Georgian Folk Dance Dance Simdi 1964 From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-34659 State Honored Ensemble Dance of Georgian Folk Dance Dance Sakorrtsilo Tsekva 1964 From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-34660 Ensemble of elders, is Shadaet Margolia in the center 1964 Sokhumi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-34666 State Honored Ensemble of Georgian Folk Dance. Dance Shejibri. Soloist Jemal Gebuchadze. 1964 From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-34667 State Honored Ensemble of Georgian Folk Dance. During the performance of one of the dances. 1964 From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-34669 State Honored Ensemble of Georgian Folk Dance. Dance Sakortsilo. 1964 From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35048 State Honored Ensemble of Georgian Folk Dance headed by I. Sukhishvili and N. Ramishvili. Dance Khorumi 1965 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35077 Master of folk instruments, Svan Akaki Udesiani during the work. 1969 Svaneti From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35515 Anzor Erkomaishvili with his parents. From Erkomaishvili family
P1-35643 State Ensemble of Folk Dances, Dance Shejibri 1964 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35644 100-year-old old singer Khasako Dzugayev from Jomagi village sings while playing on Chianuri, among the students 1969 Java district From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35685 Honored artist of the republic, performer of Georgian folk songs, Tamar Imerlishvili, portrait [1960] Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35686 Celebration of Georgia\'s independence in Tbilisi. 1919 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35687 Performance of ensemble of Georgian Folk Dances, Dance Kintauri. 1964 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35688 Performance of ensemble of Georgian Folk Dances, Dance Khevsuruli Suita 1964 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35689 Performance of ensemble of Georgian Folk Dances, Dance Shejibri 1964 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35690 Performance of ensemble of Georgian Folk Dances, Dance Gandagana 1964 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35694 A group of dancers of Lentekhi district performs the dance Tseruli at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. 1967 Lentekhi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35695 Performance of ensemble of Georgian Folk Dances, Dance Simdi 1964 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35696 Performance of ensemble of Georgian Folk Dances, Dance Khevsuruli Suita 1964 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35697 Performance of ensemble of Georgian Folk Dances, Dance Tseruli 1964 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
P1-35698 Performance of ensemble of Georgian Folk Dances, Dance Ananuri Tsekva 1964 Tbilisi From the photochronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency
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