Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
P1-39706 Ensemble of Chonguri players of Chiatura Workers\' Club 1930s Tbilisi From the Leningrad archive 1973
P1-42272 Musician Iliko Kurkhuli 1940s From V.Gurgenidze
P1-44749 People\'s Artist of Georgia, composer Andria son of Meliton Balanchivadze, portrait. Tbilisi
P1-44779 The Day of Tbilisi. Honorary citizens of Tbilisi, hero of socialist labor V. Kurtanidze, sculptor E. Amashukeli, People\'s Artists of the USSR Iliko Sukhishvili, Nino Ramishvili, academician V. Kupradze, composer A. Balanchivadze, academician V. Burakovsky. 1981 Tbilisi
P1-44780 The Day of Tbilisi. Honorary citizens of Tbilisi, hero of socialist labor V. Kurtanidze, sculptor E. Amashukeli, People\'s Artists of the USSR Iliko Sukhishvili, Nino Ramishvili, academician V. Kupradze, composer A. Balanchivadze, academician V. Burakovsky. 1981 Tbilisi
P1-45091 M. Romanchenko, soloist of the artistic self-operating collective at the military unit of Gori, at one of the concerts. 1950s Gori
P1-45092 Members of the artistic self-operating collective at the military unit of Gori/M.Romanchenko sits first 1950s Gori
P1-45350 Members of Tbilisi State Conservatoire folklore expedition to Svaneti. In the first row: composer M. Sh. Mshvelidze, conservatoire vice-rector L. M. Kutateladze and teacher Sh. S. Aslanishvili. 1928 Mestia H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45404 Professor L. Donadze /right/ and composer A. Andriashvili. 1930s H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45406 Professor L. Donadze with students. A. Qorangozashvili, L. Donadze are sitting. Otar Chijavadze, G. Toradze are standing. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Professor L.Donadze, an honored artist of Georgian SSR art. 1952 Tbilisi H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45412 One group of participants of the First Union Congress of Composers. N. Gudiashvili, L. Donadze, Sh. Mshvelidze, G. Kiladze, O. Baramishvili, I. Tuskia, R. Gabichvadze, G. Khanunashvili are sitting. A. Chimakadze, O. Taktakishvili, D. Toradze, B. Gulisashvili, B. Gadeki, A. Machavariani are standing. 1948 Moscow H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45413 One group of participants of the First Union Congress of Composers. A. Balanchivadze, L. Donadze, T. Kvirikadze, S. Barkhudariani, A. Mshvelidze, D. Araqishvili, Sh. Aslanishvili, R. Gabichvadze are sitting. R. Baramishvili, V. Tsagareishvili, A. Bukia, V. Gokieli, D. Shvedov, N. Gudiashvili, G. Khakhanashvili, B. Gadeki, A. Chimakadze, B. Gulisashvili are standing. 1948 Moscow H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45417 A group of composers. S. Barkhudariani, D. Araqishvili, D.Shostakovich, G. Kiladze, G.Gokieli are sitting. I.Tuskia, N.Gudiashvili are standing 1952 H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45425 Composer N.P. Sulkhanishvili, portrait 1871-1919 H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45426 Composer A. Balanchivadze, portrait. 1930s H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45448 Anzor Erkomaishvili with his mother E. V. Gordeladze and grandfather A. Erkomaishvili at the Republican Olympics of Folk Creativity in Tbilisi 1951 Tbilisi H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45449 Honored artist Anzor Erkomaishvili, portrait 1959 Tbilisi H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45450 Anzor Erkomaishvili with his grandfather, Artem Erkomaishvili 1961 H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45451 Famous choirmaster Artem Erkomaishvili among the singers of Senaki Uezd. 1911 Tskhakaia district H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45452 Singer Ladiko Erkomaishvili 1930s H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45453 Singer Ladiko Erkomaishvili 1960s H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45454 Famous choirmaster Artem Erkomaishvili 1832 H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45455 Famous choirmaster Artem Erkomaishvili 1964-65 H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45456 Famous choirmaster Artem Erkomaishvili 1960s H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45457 Artem Erkomaishvili and Professor Grigol Chkhikvadze, Doctor of Art Studies. 1962 Tbilisi H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45458 Anzor Erkomaishvili during the hunt. 1970s H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45459 Ensemble Rustavi sings 1970-1971 Tbilisi H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45460 Omar Kelaptrishvili, soloist of the ensemble Rustavi, plays 1970s H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45461 Anzor Erkomaishvili 1974 H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
P1-45462 Anzor Erkomaishvili 1970 H.Aliyev\'s Reproduction
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