Accounting N Document content Filming year Place of filming Where did it come from/author Note
P1-2230 A participant in the Republican competition of self-operating artists of the arts. The singers\' choir of the culture house of Poti headed by Ch.V.Miminoshvili performs the song Komunisti 3.11.1959 Tbilisi Purchased from Photographer Archvadze 1960
P1-2231 A participant in the Republican competition of self-operating artists of the arts, the singers\' choir of the culture house of Poti headed by Ch.V.Miminoshvili performs the potpourri of dance melodies 3.11.1959 Tbilisi Purchased from Photographer Archvadze 1960
P1-2232 A participant in the Republican competition of self-operating artists of the arts, B.K.Jangidze, the member of the culture house of Tianeti district performs Satrpialo 3.11.1959 Tbilisi Purchased from Photographer Archvadze 1960
P1-2233 A participant in the Republican competition of self-operating artists of the arts, Al.Khaiauri reads his poem H.Tabidze 3.11.1959 Tbilisi Purchased from Photographer Archvadze 1960
P1-2234 A participant in the Republican competition of self-operating artists of the arts, Gudauta-Gali. 2 women performs Dila 3.11.1959 Tbilisi Purchased from Photographer Archvadze 1960
P1-2235 A participant in the Republican competition of self-operating artists of the arts, the vocal-instrumental choir of the culture house of Khobi district headed by A.Beraia performs Arti Vardi 3.11.1959 Tbilisi Purchased from Photographer Archvadze 1960
P1-2236 A participant in the Republican competition of self-operating artists of the arts, singers\' choir of the culture house of Mestia district headed by Platon Dadvani performs Jgragishi 3.11.1959 Tbilisi Purchased from Photographer Archvadze 1960
P1-2238 Self-operating collective of the Leghva village of Kobuleti district. Kobuleti Received from Georgian Telegraph Agency 1961.
P1-2697 Demonstration of folk dances at the parade in Bucharest, dedicated to the five anniversary of the liberation of Romania. 23.08.1949 Bucharest Photo reproduction of S. Kavtaradze
P1-2698 Demonstration of folk dances at the parade in Bucharest, dedicated to the five anniversary of the liberation of Romania. 23.08.1949 Bucharest Photo reproduction of S. Kavtaradze
P1-2699 Demonstration of folk dances at the parade in Bucharest, dedicated to the five anniversary of the liberation of Romania. 23.08.1949 Bucharest Photo reproduction of S. Kavtaradze
P1-2718 Performance of the Armenian Song and Dance Ensemble in Bucharest. 1947 Bucharest Photo reproduction of S. Kavtaradze
P1-2719 Performance of the Armenian Song and Dance Ensemble in Bucharest.. 1947 Bucharest Photo reproduction of S. Kavtaradze
P1-2720 Performance of the Armenian Song and Dance Ensemble in Bucharest. 1947 Bucharest Photo reproduction of S. Kavtaradze
P1-3952 Sh. M. Mshvelidze - composer. Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Georgian SSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize. 1952 Tbilisi Moscow Film-Photo-Phono Archive 1962
P1-4054 Noghaideli - Professor 1950 Tbilisi Purchased from N.G. Katia in 1962
P1-4058 S. Gvelesiani - Honored artist, head of the choir of State University. 1950 Tbilisi Purchased from N.G. Katia in 1962
P1-4258 Soloists of Zakaria Paliashvili Opera and Ballet Theatre: G. Pataraia and K. Loladze perform Kartuli. 1956 Tbilisi Moscow Film-Photo-Phono Archive 1962
P1-4274 Celebration of youth in the Kremlin. The dance Kartuli is performed by L. Antadze. 1955 Moscow Moscow Film-Photo-Phono Archive 1962
P1-4302 Actors of the South Ossetian Folk Song and Dance Ensemble: T. Chichieva and G. Zaprudnaia. 1956 South Ossetia Moscow Film-Photo-Phono Archive 1962
P1-4303 Actors of the South Ossetian Folk Song and Dance Ensemble: T.Margieva and M.Jioeva 1956 South Ossetia Moscow Film-Photo-Phono Archive 1962
P1-4381 The festival held in the Georgian SSR Pavilion of the Union Agricultural Exhibition. The oldest guest G. Bolkvadze performs the dance Kartuli 1957 Moscow Moscow Film-Photo-Phono Archive 1962
P1-4633 Portrait of composer Ipolitov-Ivanov with autograph. 1925.07. Tbilisi Acquired by Archival Division Kozak 1959.
P1-4733 Public Speaker E.Slakov 1939 Stalinir
P1-4736 V. Galaev - composer, together with members of the dance and song ensemble. 1939 Stalinir
P1-6384 Performance of the Tbilisi Trade Union Dance Ensemble. 1958 Tbilisi Photocronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency 1962
P1-6385 Performance of the Tbilisi Trade Union Dance Ensemble, dancer - Shota Gigauri 1958 Tbilisi Photocronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency 1962
P1-6416 Ensemble of dancers of Tbilisi Pioneer Palace perform Chinese dance 1958 Tbilisi Photocronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency 1963
P1-6421 The ensemble of dancers of the Tbilisi Tramway-Trolleybus Division performs the dance Perkhuli. 1956 Moscow Photocronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency 1963
P1-6432 Decade of literature and art in Moscow. Performance of the Georgian Folk Song and Dance Ensemble headed by Tsagareishvili. 1958 Moscow Photocronicle of Georgian Telegraph Agency 1963
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