Accounting Unit number Production Number Document name Author of music and lyrics Performer, Speaker Time and place of record \nDelivery organization, date of delivery Record duration Record speed Note
2 7 Dideba belads Folk Samtredia district singers\' choir 20.02.1954 Georgian Radio Committee, 1964 1\'45 76,0
3 8 Sakartvelo - brdzenis deda Folk Samtredia district singers\' choir 22.02.1954 2\'10 76,0
5 10 Simghera Tsulukidzeze Folk Self-operating ensemble of Tsulukidze district silk factory, Head: Bakhtadze 23.05.1954 2\'30 76,0
6 11 Simghera mshvidobaze \'\' Self-operating ensemble of Tsulukidze district silk factory, Head: Bakhtadze 20.02.1954 2\'00 76,0
7 19 Simghera Kutaisze Music by K. Ghoghoberidze Kutaisi Auto Factory Choir. Head: I. Bukhaidze 1951 2\'00 76,0
9 48 Simghera beladze self-operating ensemble of Natanebi Collective Farming 1951 2\'00 76,0
10 23 Simghera Stalinze (Azerbaijani) Folk Kutaisi Canning Factory self-operating ensemble 1951 2\'30 76.0
13 33 Simghera beladze Music by Gr. Kokeladze Surami self-operating group Georgian Radio 2\'00 76
14 39 Simghera mshvidobaze Music and lyrics by Z. Kirvalidze Self-operating ensemble of the Cooperatives Union of Tbilisi. Accompanied by Panduri Georgian Radio 2\'00 76
15 45 Simghera Stalinze Folk Chokhatauri district self-operating ensemble Georgian Radio 2\'20 76
16 22 Simghera Kolkhetze Self-operating ensemble of the Culture House of Chkhorotsqu district. Head: O. Lentadze 26.11.1954 3\'00 76
17 49 Simghera beladze self-operating ensemble of Tbilisi Cooperatives Union 2\'00 76
18 59 Kobam daitsqo Khasanbegura Folk Tbilisi Orjonikidze District Housing Division self-operating Ensemble
19 65 Dido Stalin, idghegrdzele! Folk self-operating choir 2\'00
20 66 Samshoblosatvis, Stalinisatvis Folk. Lyrics by A. Mirtskhulava Georgian Radio Committee Ensemble. Head: A. Megrelidze 2\'10
22 77 Simghera beladze Music by Salukvadze. Lyrics by A. Tevzadze self-operating ensemble. Head: Erkomaishvili 1\'30
24 83 Mtsqemsebis Simghera Folk Folk Instrumental Orchestra. Head: M. Arjevnishvili 2\'20
25 87 Simghera Qazbegze Edited by Maro Arjevnishvili M. Arjevnishvili on Panduri 3\'40
26 88 Sakartvelo (Mestviruli Simghera) Folk M. Arjevnishvili on Panduri 3\'00
27 90 Mokhutsis natkvami simghera Folk M. Arjevnishvili on Panduri 2\'30
28 95 Akvani (Goris tsikhestan sakhli dgas) Music by R. Gabichvadze Ana Vardiashvili and Ensemble of duduk players 3\'35
31 98 Simghera beladze Folk Ana Vardiashvili and Ensemble of duduk players 14.10.1952 3\'40
33 103 Simghera Tbilisze Folk N. Iremashvili, I. Eliava, Nikoloz and Tengiz Khvitia 1\'50
34 105 Simghera Kutaisze Folk Kutaisi Labor Reserves Self-operating Ensemble 1\'30
35 106 Simghera Stalinze Music by K. Ghoghoberidze Self-operating ensemble of Orjonikidze District Teachers\' House. Head: N. Pataridze 10.11.1952 2\'23
36 112 Shinmousvlelo, sada khar Folk D. Kuparashvili 22.10.1954 3\'30
37 114 Bidzina Bukurauli Folk D. Kuparashvili 3\'00
38 115 Simghera Stalinze Folk D. Kuparashvili 22.06.1954 3\'00 19.0
39 122 Simghera Maiakovskize Folk Self-operating ensemble of Mayakovsky district. Head: Margarita Beridze 1.02.1954 2\'00 76.0
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