Record N Document type, short description Date number of papers Archeographic Data of the Document Catalogue points/sections note Personal Fonds
MUS/დ.ა. 1- 12 Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 1 „Georgian Music“ - research 1925 5 autograph. in Russian and Georgian, in ink on papers. Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 2 Еще о песне Грузинской области Рачи 1946 32 autograph. on papers, in Russian, with annotation 1 paper Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 3 Gurian folk songs. sheet music notes no date 7 autograph, in ink sheet music notebook. from the folders #1, 2, 3 Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 4 Racha folk songs. research. 4 variant. With Racha folk songs\' sheet music notes. I variant – 55 papers; II variant – a) pagination 1–32, in unnumbered handwritten papers; in total 32 papers b) 50 papers; in total: 82 papers III variant – 46 papers; IV variant – 53 papers; V appendix – sheet music notes – 11 papers no date 247 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers, in Georgian and Russian languages. Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 5 old folk song texts,their Russian translation and same songs\'sheet music notes (photocopies). II part – Megrelian folk songs. II variant – Imeretian songs III variant – Gurian songs, IV variant – Kartl-Kakhetian, Imeretian folk songs and church chants.V variant songs from different regions. no date 356 II part 22 photocopy – pagination: a. texts – 93–97, b? – sheet music notes – 1–17; I variant – 15 photocopy pagination: a. texts – 119–124; ბ. sheet music notes – 12; 5–11; III variant – 52 photocopy pagination: a. texts 21–32. b. sheet music notes – 1–40; IV variant – 68 photocopy – pagination: a. texts – 29–44, b. sheet music notes – 45–118 missing; 119 photocopy pagination: 56–85; 87–94; 97–112; 115–120; 126–135; 150–157; 184–193; 207–217; 223–237; 254–275; 277–290; 292–298. according to the old description, there is an inscription on the paper stuck to it that 127-137 Mokhevian songs have been taken by Nunu Mindadze. Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 6 Грузинские народные песни великой отечественной войны. with sheet music notes no date 84 I variant – 26 paper sheets typed on typewriter, on papers, in Russian.; II variant – 25 paper sheets, typed on typewriter in Russian, on papers.; sheet music notes, II related to World War theme, 33 paper sheets. soldier song, 1947 Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 7 Народные песни – пережитки дохристианской музикальной культуры Грузии (аннотация) no date 2 autograph, on paper, in ink, in Russian. Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 8 I Раздель – 21 papers - 15 paper sheets, 2 autograph, 13 typed on typewriter and 6 sheet music notes; II part – text and sheet music notes – 47 papers – autograph – 2 papers, typed on typewriter – 18 papers, sheet music notes – 27 papers; III part - фольклорный раздел – texts, research, sheet music notes – total – 49 papers – typed – 26 papers, sheet music – 23 papers; III part with appendix план работы и аннотация no date 117 All three parts remain as fragments, possibly unfinished. „план работы“ typed on typewriter on 2 paper sheets. „аннотация“ typed on typewriter on 2 paper sheets Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 9 О народной песне сванов no date 33 autograph on sheet of paper and one small printed paper sheet Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 10 О ладовой структуре несен зап. Грузии: Имеретии и Менгрелии II variant: I variant autograph. with annotation – 28 papers. II variant typed on typewriter – with annotation– 28 papers; In folder there is a paper written by D. Arakishvili, 1952 (to G. Chitaia?) – 1 paper no date 57 autograph and typed on typewriter papers. Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 11 О музикальной структуре народных духовный песнопений вост. Грузии II variant no date 35 variant on paper, handwritten, in Russian – 26 papers; pagination 476-501; II variant typed on typewriter – 9 papers Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ დ.ა. 12 О структуре народных песен – пережитков дохристианской музыкальной культуры Грузии. no date 27 autograph, on paper sheets and notebook papers, in ink. Dimitri Arakishvili Fonds
MUS/ შ.ა. 1- 13 Shalva Aslanishvili Fondi
MUS/ შ.ა. 1 Svan ritual song research-6 notebooks(71 paper), with Svan song texts (8 paper sheets) 1946 79 I. autograph, notebook papers, written in ink in Russian and Georgian. 6 notebook. 1 notebook – 11 papers; 2 notebook – 12 papers; 3 notebook – 12 papers; 4 notebook – 12 papers; 5 notebook – 12 papers; 6 notebook – 12 papers II. Svan song texts 8 paper sheets (notebook) in ink. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 2 Svan songs\' sheet music notes 1946 11 1 notebook paper sheets and 10 sheet music notes (1 smaller size) pagination 1-9 According to the insctiption on the folder, it should have been: 1. Knight in the panthers skin read aloud“ (music notes 2 papers); 2. „Dzilispiri“ (music notes 1 paper). The materials were not found in the folder. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 3 Tushetian songs\' sheet music notes 1947 38 autograph. sheet music notes, in ink. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 4 Two Musical dialects of East Georgia (Kilokavi) 1948 31 typed on typewriter, on papers. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 5 Tushetian folk song 1948 (?) 42 typed on typewriter, on papers. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 6 Pshav-Khevsuretian songs on music notes 1948 23 autograph, in 1 notebook and 22 sheet music paper sheets Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 7 „Samaia“ - analysis 1948 12 \'typed on typewriter papers sheets Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 8 for naming the Georgian folk song kolos 1949 8 typed on typewriter, paper sheets. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 9 Mountain - Racha, Khevi, Gudamaqari and Mtiuleti songs. Recorded and written in music notes by Sh. Aslanishvili. I part – 17 papers, - sheet music notes; II part – 28 papers, - sheet music notes; III part – 20 papers, - songs texts 1949 65 I part – two sheet music notebooks, written in blue ink; II part – different size sheet music papers; III part – notebook papers, written in ink and with pencil. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 10 Folk songs recorded in the mountainous regions of Georgia 1949 15 typed on typewriter, paper sheets. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 11 sheet music notes of Khevrur and Pshav songs no date 31 autograph, sheet music notebookს papers. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 12 Pshav-Khevsuretian folk songs no date 110 I part – 23 paper sheets. autograph 11 and 12 typed on typewriter paper sheets. II part – 20 paper sheets. 10 autograph and 10 typed on typewriter notebook papers. II ა – part – 15 paper sheets. 13 autograph and 3 typed on typewriter notebook papers. III part – 21 paper. 7 typed on typewriter, 14 notebook handwritten on paper. IV part – 17 paper sheets. 12 autograph and 5 typed on typewriter, notebook papers. V part – 14 paper sheets. 12 autograph and 2 typed on typewriter notebook papers. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ შ.ა. 13 Sh. Aslanishvili\'s remarks (opinions) about Perkhuli no date 2 autograph. 2 paper sheets, written in blue ink. Shalva Aslanishvili Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 1- 12 Grigol Chkhikvadze\'s Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 1 I Georgian folk musical instruments and their classification (musical instruments Ebani) – 27 papers; II musical instruments Ebani and its essence – 26 papers 1953 53 I. 1 small size manuscript and 26 paper sheets, typed on typewriter. with author\'s corrections. G. Melikishvili\'s decision on one paper – Agrees to publish the work in an open manner, without the approval of the commission. II. \'typed on typewriter, papers sheets. papers with double pagination, in red pencil (pagination – 354-378) with typewriter, with pencil pagination starts from second paper, printed pagination - drom third paper (N2-25) II content taken from m cabinet with number m2-67. Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
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