Record N Document type, short description Date number of papers Archeographic Data of the Document Catalogue points/sections note Personal Fonds
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 2 Чешский музыкант Иосиф Ратиль и грузинская народная песня 1953 15 papers \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. in Russian. notes Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 3 Georgianი folk music art 1954 42 papers \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. notes Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 4 paths of developlemt of Georgian poliphony 1955 65 papers pagination 1-71 17 manuscript, 48 printed paper sheets notes Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 5 Ivane Javakhishvili – Georgian music researcher 1957 27 papers \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. notes Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 6 Historiography of Georgian musical folklore. part I 1958 32 papers \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. notes 29 and 31 papers are possibly for illustrations. compare papers 13, 14, 17. Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 7 Tbilisi workers\' songs. Research no date 29 papers typed on typewriter papers sheets. pagination 1-30; missing 19th paper sheet. notes Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 8 Georgianი folk choreography (research). no date 35 papers \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. notes Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 9 Excerpts from old Georgian church and secular literature 25 papers \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. Excerpts Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 10 Ioseb Tfileli - Didmouraviani 56 papers typed on typewriter papers sheets. pagination 80-135 Excerpts Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 11 Georgianი folk poetry – poems and sayings 45 papers \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. Excerpts Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 12 K. Meghvinetukhutsesi. review on Gr. Chkhikvadze\'s work about stages of development of the Georgian poliphony 18. XII. 1955. 1 papers autograph. on paper review on it Grigol Chkhivadze Fond
MUS/ T.M. 1- 94 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 1 Materials of T. Mamaladze\'s candidate thesis:a) Preliminary hearing materials of Mamaladze\'s thesis - „Kakhetian work songs“ (with meeting records 1963. ) (26 papers); b) responses and reviews of T. T. Mamaladze\'s candidate thesis: „Work Songs in Kakheti“:1)Vajha Gvakharia\'s preliminary review - 4 papers in Georgian and Russian languages; 2)O. Taktakishvili and P. Khuchua\'s conclusion T. Mamaladze\'s thesis - 3 papers in Russian;3) Grigol Chachashvili\'s review of T. Mamaladze\'s thesis - 33 papers, in Georgian, 16 papers, in Russian 17 papers; 4) Grigol Chkhikvadze\'s review - 32 papers, 3 variant - 2 variants in Georgian - I variant - 3 papers; II variant - 14 papers, Russian variant - 15 papers 5) Ш. Мшвелидзе, Отзыв на диссертацион ный труд Т. С. Мамаладзе – «Трудовые песни Кахетии», представлений на соискание ученой степени кандидата искусствовеческих наук (1965 19V. 9 papers) g) T. Mamaladze\'s answers and remarks on the remark of docent Grigol son of Abram Chachashvili(8 papers);d) T. Mamaladze\'s answer to Grigol Chkhikvadze\'s comment (3 papers); 118 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages Bibliographical Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 2 T. Mamaladze – Adighe Expedition Materials:1) Adighe Expedition Materials – 2 notebooks about musical folklore of Shapsugs (unedited writing and transcribed material(49 papers); 2) music notes notebook (10 papers); 3) accounting account (10 papers); 4) songs and their names (30 papers) (Sketch of musical instruments (1 papers); 5) different notes and Excerpts about Adighe Expedition (35 papers) 1957 135 autograph. different size papers. written with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages Expedition Materials T.M. 2/23 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 3 Adjara – Khulo district (Khikhadzili, Keda) Expedition Materials: 1) Expedition diaries – 59 papers; 2) T. List of songs recorded by Mamaladze in Adjara (Khulo and Keda regions).– 2 copy I - autograph 2 papers; II (typed on typewriter) 4 papers;3) expedition report 7 papers 1952 72 1) 4s notebook and different size papers, with pencil and in ink. pagination 1-44; 2) autograph and \'typed on typewriter papers sheets, written in blue ink; 3) typed on typewriter A4 size papers Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 4 Adjara-Guria Expedition Materials:1) Expedition diaries about Guria-Adjara songs – 3 notebooks (128 papers). I notebook – 29 papers; II notebook – 38 papers; III notebook – 58 papers, with Sketches made by M. Berulava on 3 sheets (personal portraits); 2) Brief report of events in Adjara-Guria – 20 papers; 3) Document of work trip to Guria - mandate – 1 papers 1968 149 1) autograph, written notebookა and different size papers with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages; 2) autograph, written with pen and with pencil A4 size papers; 3) typed on typewriter smaller size paper sheets Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 5 Dusheti district Expedition Materials 1953 9 autograph. different size papers, written with pencilა and in ink Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 6 Dusheti district Expedition Materials: - 2 Diary (unedited and edited) I (unedired) – 56 papers, II (edited) 29 papers 1958. July-August 85 autograph. blocknoteსა and different size papers, written with pencil and with pen Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 7 Imereti – Zestaponi 1959 Expedition Materials: 1) expedition diaries– 1 blocknote (33 papers) and 1 notebook (33 papers),which is probably an edited version of blocknote; 2) Short report of folklore-ethnographic expedition in Zestafoni region – 2 variant: I variant (autograph) – 26 papers; II variant(typed) – 14 papers 1959 106 autograph and typed on typewriter, papers, notebook, blocknotes and different size papers, written with pen and with pencil Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 8 Imereti - Mayakovsky (Baghdati) district expedition in 1960. Folklore materials recorded during the expedition – 1) field diary (blocknote); 2) edited variant (1 common notebook); 3) modern songs\' texts. Here are notes about field trip to Imereti and modern musical folklore; 4) A short report (annotation) of the folklore expedition to Mayakovsky (Baghdati) region 1960 89 1) autograph. blocknote 1-8 paper sheets, with pencil and in ink; 2) autograph. notebook and different size papers. with 1960 paper excerpt – 24 paper sheets; 3) autograph, written with pen and with pencil 27 paper notebook, on 7 papers; 4)autograph. paper sheets. written in ink and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages – 20 papers Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 9 Imereti – Sachkhere district. expedition report 1961 35 autograph, written with blue ink pen and with pencil. notebook and different size papers in Georgian and Russian languages. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 10 1) Songs texts recorded during the 1964 expeditions of Imereti in the villages (Alaverdi, Sakara, Kvemo and Zemo Sazano, Sveri, Ghvankiti, Q. Alisubani) – 34 papers; 2) 1964 Short report of field trip to Imereti (annotated) II copy – 28 papers 1964 62 autograph, written with blue pen and with pencil. notebookა and on papers. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 11 Materials about Imereti,1) Framentary notes about Imereti; 2) Bibliography and Excerpts from Literature on Imereti – 1 notebook 50 1) autograph. different size papers. written with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages – 40 papers; 2) autograph, written with pen 10 paper notebook, on 5 papers. in Georgian and Russian languages. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 12 Expedition Materials in Kvareli and Telavi regions in 1950-1951: 1) Work songs sheet music notes – Written in Kvarli and Telavi regions by Tamar Mamaladze in 1950-1951 – 17 papers; 2) Diary of the 1950 expedition to Kvareli district - songs and its texts – 14 papers (1 notebook); 3) List of songs recorded in Kakheti (Kvareli region) in 1950 - 2 copies – 13 papers; 4) Report of 1951 expedition to Kakheti - Telavi region - 13 papers (1 notebook) 57 1) sheet music notes in ink and with pencil on different size sheet music papers.; 2) autograph. notebook and papers. written with pen and with pencil 3) I copy – autograph (4 papers); II copy – typed on typewriter (9 papers); 4) autograph, different size papers, written with pencil and with pen fisrt 4 papers, rest papers are empty. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 13 Kakheti-Kiziki (Sighnaghi district) Expedition Materials: 1) Expedition diaries – 2 notebooks: I notebook – 35 papers; II notebook – 12 papers;2) Report of musical-ethnographic expedition to Kizighi (Sighnaghi district). – 3 variant: I variant – 11 papers; II variant – 1 papers; III variant – 1 papers 1952 .VIII 60 autograph. different size papers written with pencilა and with pen. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 14 Racha-Lechkhumi Expedition Materials: a) Racha-Lechkhumi expedition documents (mandate 3 papers);b) Racha-Lechkhumi expedition diary (1 notebook 47 papers); g) Work reports in Racha-Lechkhumi (black persons) – 44 papers and typed version 2 – 14 papers 1969 108 autograph and typed on typewriter, on A4 size notebook and different size papers. written with different color pens in Georgian and Russian languages. a) mandate typed on typewriter 3 paper sheets. ბ) notebook 1-26 paper sheets written. the rest is empty. There is a note on the last page in Russian. with 1 paper; g) autograph and \'typed on typewriter papers sheets, written in blue pen in Georgian and Russian languages. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 15 Samegrelo Expedition Materials: a) Samegrelo expedition diaries - 2 notebooks: #1 -14 papers; #2 – 11 papers; b) Megrelian songs list (12 papers) c) unedited manuscript for a report on the musical creativity of Samegrelo (21 papers); d) folk songs sheet music notes (48 papers+ 19 photos); e) Brief report of the musical-ethnographic trip to Gegechkori district (2 papers); f) Excerpts on Georgian music (3 papers); 1955. July-August 111+19 photo autograph and typed on typewriter. different size papers. written, with pen and with pencil. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 16 Svanetiს Expedition Materials: 1) Expedition diaries – 2 notebooks: I Notebook – 37 papers; II notebook – 22 papers;2) songs texts – 8 papers; 3) Different types of notes made during the expedition - 9 papers 1962 76 autograph and typed on typewriter notebook, papers and smaller size papers. written in ink and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 17 Sioni Expedition Materials: a) material recorded in Sioni - about festive songs and poems (48 papers);b) Sioni expedition diary (written in black) 1 notebook and conclusion (22 papers) 1971 54 a) autograph, A5 format 48 paper sheets, text starts on -the 17th paper. paginated 1-64. written on both sides of the paper. b) autograph notebook and different size papers in ink, last four paper sheets paginated 65-68. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 18 Musical Ethnographic Expedition Materials of Kartli (Gori District): 1) Expedition Diaries – 74 papers; 2) Short report of the musical-ethnographic expedition to Gori district (dated 22/XII 1953)-23 paper sheets 1953 97 autograph. A4 size and notebook papers. written with blue pen, with pencilა and in ink Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
საიტის დამზადება