Record N |
Document type, short description |
Date |
number of papers |
Archeographic Data of the Document |
Catalogue points/sections |
note |
Personal Fonds |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 2 |
Чешский музыкант Иосиф Ратиль и грузинская народная песня |
1953 |
15 papers |
\'typed on typewriter papers sheets. in Russian. |
notes |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 3 |
Georgianი folk music art |
1954 |
42 papers |
\'typed on typewriter papers sheets. |
notes |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 4 |
paths of developlemt of Georgian poliphony |
1955 |
65 papers pagination 1-71 |
17 manuscript, 48 printed paper sheets |
notes |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 5 |
Ivane Javakhishvili – Georgian music researcher |
1957 |
27 papers |
\'typed on typewriter papers sheets. |
notes |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 6 |
Historiography of Georgian musical folklore. part I |
1958 |
32 papers |
\'typed on typewriter papers sheets. |
notes |
29 and 31 papers are possibly for illustrations. compare papers 13, 14, 17. |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 7 |
Tbilisi workers\' songs. Research |
no date |
29 papers |
typed on typewriter papers sheets. pagination 1-30; missing 19th paper sheet. |
notes |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 8 |
Georgianი folk choreography (research). |
no date |
35 papers |
\'typed on typewriter papers sheets. |
notes |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 9 |
Excerpts from old Georgian church and secular literature |
25 papers |
\'typed on typewriter papers sheets. |
Excerpts |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 10 |
Ioseb Tfileli - Didmouraviani |
56 papers |
typed on typewriter papers sheets. pagination 80-135 |
Excerpts |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 11 |
Georgianი folk poetry – poems and sayings |
45 papers |
\'typed on typewriter papers sheets. |
Excerpts |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ გ.ჩ. 12 |
K. Meghvinetukhutsesi. review on Gr. Chkhikvadze\'s work about stages of development of the Georgian poliphony |
18. XII. 1955. |
1 papers |
autograph. on paper |
review on it |
Grigol Chkhivadze Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 1- 94 |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 1 |
Materials of T. Mamaladze\'s candidate thesis:a) Preliminary hearing materials of Mamaladze\'s thesis - „Kakhetian work songs“ (with meeting records 1963. ) (26 papers); b) responses and reviews of T. T. Mamaladze\'s candidate thesis: „Work Songs in Kakheti“:1)Vajha Gvakharia\'s preliminary review - 4 papers in Georgian and Russian languages; 2)O. Taktakishvili and P. Khuchua\'s conclusion T. Mamaladze\'s thesis - 3 papers in Russian;3) Grigol Chachashvili\'s review of T. Mamaladze\'s thesis - 33 papers, in Georgian, 16 papers, in Russian 17 papers; 4) Grigol Chkhikvadze\'s review - 32 papers, 3 variant - 2 variants in Georgian - I variant - 3 papers; II variant - 14 papers, Russian variant - 15 papers 5) Ш. Мшвелидзе, Отзыв на диссертацион ный труд Т. С. Мамаладзе – «Трудовые песни Кахетии», представлений на соискание ученой степени кандидата искусствовеческих наук (1965 19V. 9 papers) g) T. Mamaladze\'s answers and remarks on the remark of docent Grigol son of Abram Chachashvili(8 papers);d) T. Mamaladze\'s answer to Grigol Chkhikvadze\'s comment (3 papers); |
118 |
autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages |
Bibliographical |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 2 |
T. Mamaladze – Adighe Expedition Materials:1) Adighe Expedition Materials – 2 notebooks about musical folklore of Shapsugs (unedited writing and transcribed material(49 papers); 2) music notes notebook (10 papers); 3) accounting account (10 papers); 4) songs and their names (30 papers) (Sketch of musical instruments (1 papers); 5) different notes and Excerpts about Adighe Expedition (35 papers) |
1957 |
135 |
autograph. different size papers. written with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages |
Expedition Materials T.M. 2/23 |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 3 |
Adjara – Khulo district (Khikhadzili, Keda) Expedition Materials: 1) Expedition diaries – 59 papers; 2) T. List of songs recorded by Mamaladze in Adjara (Khulo and Keda regions).– 2 copy I - autograph 2 papers; II (typed on typewriter) 4 papers;3) expedition report 7 papers |
1952 |
72 |
1) 4s notebook and different size papers, with pencil and in ink. pagination 1-44; 2) autograph and \'typed on typewriter papers sheets, written in blue ink; 3) typed on typewriter A4 size papers |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 4 |
Adjara-Guria Expedition Materials:1) Expedition diaries about Guria-Adjara songs – 3 notebooks (128 papers). I notebook – 29 papers; II notebook – 38 papers; III notebook – 58 papers, with Sketches made by M. Berulava on 3 sheets (personal portraits); 2) Brief report of events in Adjara-Guria – 20 papers; 3) Document of work trip to Guria - mandate – 1 papers |
1968 |
149 |
1) autograph, written notebookა and different size papers with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages; 2) autograph, written with pen and with pencil A4 size papers; 3) typed on typewriter smaller size paper sheets |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 5 |
Dusheti district Expedition Materials |
1953 |
9 |
autograph. different size papers, written with pencilა and in ink |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 6 |
Dusheti district Expedition Materials: - 2 Diary (unedited and edited) I (unedired) – 56 papers, II (edited) 29 papers |
1958. July-August |
85 |
autograph. blocknoteსა and different size papers, written with pencil and with pen |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 7 |
Imereti – Zestaponi 1959 Expedition Materials: 1) expedition diaries– 1 blocknote (33 papers) and 1 notebook (33 papers),which is probably an edited version of blocknote; 2) Short report of folklore-ethnographic expedition in Zestafoni region – 2 variant: I variant (autograph) – 26 papers; II variant(typed) – 14 papers |
1959 |
106 |
autograph and typed on typewriter, papers, notebook, blocknotes and different size papers, written with pen and with pencil |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 8 |
Imereti - Mayakovsky (Baghdati) district expedition in 1960. Folklore materials recorded during the expedition – 1) field diary (blocknote); 2) edited variant (1 common notebook); 3) modern songs\' texts. Here are notes about field trip to Imereti and modern musical folklore; 4) A short report (annotation) of the folklore expedition to Mayakovsky (Baghdati) region |
1960 |
89 |
1) autograph. blocknote 1-8 paper sheets, with pencil and in ink; 2) autograph. notebook and different size papers. with 1960 paper excerpt – 24 paper sheets; 3) autograph, written with pen and with pencil 27 paper notebook, on 7 papers; 4)autograph. paper sheets. written in ink and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages – 20 papers |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 9 |
Imereti – Sachkhere district. expedition report |
1961 |
35 |
autograph, written with blue ink pen and with pencil. notebook and different size papers in Georgian and Russian languages. |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 10 |
1) Songs texts recorded during the 1964 expeditions of Imereti in the villages (Alaverdi, Sakara, Kvemo and Zemo Sazano, Sveri, Ghvankiti, Q. Alisubani) – 34 papers; 2) 1964 Short report of field trip to Imereti (annotated) II copy – 28 papers |
1964 |
62 |
autograph, written with blue pen and with pencil. notebookა and on papers. |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 11 |
Materials about Imereti,1) Framentary notes about Imereti; 2) Bibliography and Excerpts from Literature on Imereti – 1 notebook |
50 |
1) autograph. different size papers. written with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages – 40 papers; 2) autograph, written with pen 10 paper notebook, on 5 papers. in Georgian and Russian languages. |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 12 |
Expedition Materials in Kvareli and Telavi regions in 1950-1951: 1) Work songs sheet music notes – Written in Kvarli and Telavi regions by Tamar Mamaladze in 1950-1951 – 17 papers; 2) Diary of the 1950 expedition to Kvareli district - songs and its texts – 14 papers (1 notebook); 3) List of songs recorded in Kakheti (Kvareli region) in 1950 - 2 copies – 13 papers; 4) Report of 1951 expedition to Kakheti - Telavi region - 13 papers (1 notebook) |
57 |
1) sheet music notes in ink and with pencil on different size sheet music papers.; 2) autograph. notebook and papers. written with pen and with pencil 3) I copy – autograph (4 papers); II copy – typed on typewriter (9 papers); 4) autograph, different size papers, written with pencil and with pen fisrt 4 papers, rest papers are empty. |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 13 |
Kakheti-Kiziki (Sighnaghi district) Expedition Materials: 1) Expedition diaries – 2 notebooks: I notebook – 35 papers; II notebook – 12 papers;2) Report of musical-ethnographic expedition to Kizighi (Sighnaghi district). – 3 variant: I variant – 11 papers; II variant – 1 papers; III variant – 1 papers |
1952 .VIII |
60 |
autograph. different size papers written with pencilა and with pen. |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 14 |
Racha-Lechkhumi Expedition Materials: a) Racha-Lechkhumi expedition documents (mandate 3 papers);b) Racha-Lechkhumi expedition diary (1 notebook 47 papers); g) Work reports in Racha-Lechkhumi (black persons) – 44 papers and typed version 2 – 14 papers |
1969 |
108 |
autograph and typed on typewriter, on A4 size notebook and different size papers. written with different color pens in Georgian and Russian languages. a) mandate typed on typewriter 3 paper sheets. ბ) notebook 1-26 paper sheets written. the rest is empty. There is a note on the last page in Russian. with 1 paper; g) autograph and \'typed on typewriter papers sheets, written in blue pen in Georgian and Russian languages. |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 15 |
Samegrelo Expedition Materials: a) Samegrelo expedition diaries - 2 notebooks: #1 -14 papers; #2 – 11 papers; b) Megrelian songs list (12 papers) c) unedited manuscript for a report on the musical creativity of Samegrelo (21 papers); d) folk songs sheet music notes (48 papers+ 19 photos); e) Brief report of the musical-ethnographic trip to Gegechkori district (2 papers); f) Excerpts on Georgian music (3 papers); |
1955. July-August |
111+19 photo |
autograph and typed on typewriter. different size papers. written, with pen and with pencil. |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 16 |
Svanetiს Expedition Materials: 1) Expedition diaries – 2 notebooks: I Notebook – 37 papers; II notebook – 22 papers;2) songs texts – 8 papers; 3) Different types of notes made during the expedition - 9 papers |
1962 |
76 |
autograph and typed on typewriter notebook, papers and smaller size papers. written in ink and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages. |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 17 |
Sioni Expedition Materials: a) material recorded in Sioni - about festive songs and poems (48 papers);b) Sioni expedition diary (written in black) 1 notebook and conclusion (22 papers) |
1971 |
54 |
a) autograph, A5 format 48 paper sheets, text starts on -the 17th paper. paginated 1-64. written on both sides of the paper. b) autograph notebook and different size papers in ink, last four paper sheets paginated 65-68. |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |
MUS/ T.M. 18 |
Musical Ethnographic Expedition Materials of Kartli (Gori District): 1) Expedition Diaries – 74 papers; 2) Short report of the musical-ethnographic expedition to Gori district (dated 22/XII 1953)-23 paper sheets |
1953 |
97 |
autograph. A4 size and notebook papers. written with blue pen, with pencilა and in ink |
Expedition Materials |
Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond |