Record N Document type, short description Date number of papers Archeographic Data of the Document Catalogue points/sections note Personal Fonds
MUS/ T.M. 19 Kartli (Shida Kartli) musical-folkloric expedition: A) Kartli Expedition Materials (4 notebooks – 181 papers); b) Kareli district Expedition Materials (2 notebooks – 24 papers) #2 notebook has a manuscript attached); c) Results of Kartli music-folklore expedition (1 papers).; 1954. IX-X 206 different size papers: 6 notebooks, and A4 size paper sheets. autograph. written with pencil and with pen.a) Notebook I is damaged, the cover is bent. III notebook, the first three paper sheets are written, the rest are blank. A hand-drawn map is attached; b) 2 notebooks - autograph, with pencil and in ink, the first notebook cover is damaged, it is loose, the last lower part is torn; c) autograph, written in ink on paper. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 20 Expedition Materials of Kartli - Kaspi district:1) expedition diaries – 3 notebooks: I notebook – 11 papers; II notebook – 23 papers (black material) III notebook – 10 papers (whitened variant); 2) Various notes and excerpts made during the expedition - 1 notebook - 5 papers3) trip report in Kaspi region – 18 papers; 1957 67 autograph, written notebook, normal and smaller size papers with pencil and in ink. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 21 (Khevi) Kazbegi\'s expedition diary (1 notebook) 1949. 24/VII- untill 31/VIII 24 notebook papers. The notebook is damaged. The upper part of the 6th and 7th papers is broken. The lower part of pages 10 and 11 is folded. autograph. written with pencil. Expedition Materials Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 22 Khevsureti Expedition Materials of 1951: 1) expedition diaries – 3 notebooks 2) edited version of expedition diaries (in incomplete form) 1951 164 autograph, notebook papers. written with pencil and with pen.1) 1 notebook I notebook - 41 pages, with pagination 1-41; II Rv. – 46 papers with pagination 47-92 missing 42-46 papers. III IV- 21 papers with pagination 93-113.2) 1 notebook – 47 papers; Expedition Materials Notebooks red with pen were incorrectly paginated Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 23 Georgian folk songs recorded in Kakheti, Adjara and Kartli (Excerpts from the diaries of the 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953 expedition) 47 autograph. Non-standard sized papers. written in blue color pen. Excerpts from Expedition Diaries MUS/ T.M. 23 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 24 T. Mamaladze - Materials related to D. Arakishvili: a) folk songs (recorded d. by Arakishvili) - 5 papers; b) Biographical material about Dimitri Arakishvili - 5 papers; g) Materials preserved in the Moscow archive on D. Arakishvili - 32 papers; d) d. Biography of Arakishvili, translated from Russian by T. by Mamaladze (2 copies) - 39 papers; e) Biography of D. Arakishvili in Russian - 61 papers; f) newspaper „Literaturuli Sakartvelo“ N47 (1528) 18. XI.1966 .N48 (1529) 25.XI.1966 .- 4 papers; g) D. Arakishvili\'s works list- 2 papers 148 autograph. different size papers. written with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages. Excerpts from Literature MUS/ T.M. 24-37 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 25 T. Mamaladze - Excerpts from Literature, List of Georgian songs recorded by D. Arakishvili 3 autograph. notebook papers, written with blue pen. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 26 T. Mamaladze - Excerpts from Literature - Imeretian songs sheet music notes. Recorded by different authors (M. Balanchivadze, K. Fotsverashvili, Gr...dze, and others) 9 different size sheet music papers, sheet music notes written with pencil and in ink. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 27 Excerpts from the materials of I. Kargareteli 3 autograph, A5 size papers. written with pen. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 28 During a scientific visit to Racha, material from P. Ioselian\'s diary 1947 1 autograph A4 size paper sheets. written with blue pen Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 29 Excerpts from Literature on „Georgian language polemics“ . 51 autograph. One 43-page notebook and an appendix of 8 paper sheets. written in different colors with pen. written notebook 1-22; 24-29 papers. The 23rd paper sheet is empty. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 30 Georgianი songs sheet music notes, Excerpts and texts. 96 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written with pencil and with pen. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 31 T. Mamaladze - Georgian folk music art 3 autograph. A4 size papers. written with blue pen Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 32 Material written by T. Mamaladze on the description cards. About Georgian folk songs. 1969 448 cards. autograph. written with pen. Excerpts from Literature The materials are written on the registration cards of the Georgian ethnographic atlas Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 33 T. Mamaladze - Work songs - Excerpts from Apollon Tsuladze\'s Khalkhuri Sitkviereba, part I; from Khalkhuri Sitkviereba e. under the editorship of Takaishvili. 10 papers accompanied by remarks made by the author, opinions 1 papers 11 autograph. normal and small papers. written with pencil and with pen, papers are paginated 59-68. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 34 T. Mamaladze - Excerpts about Guria: 1) Excerpts From Ap. Tsuladze\'s materials (ethnographic Guria)(written 19 papers); 2) Excerpts from Kveli Chkhatarayshvili\'s Guriis Samtavro. (21 papers). 40 1) autograph, written with pen, blocknote\'s first 19 papers - written on both sides; 2) autograph, notebookა and different size papers, written with pencil and in ink, in Georgian and Russian languages. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 35 T. Mamaladze - Excerpts from Literature about folk customs, music and rituals. 411 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers, written in Georgian and Russian languages, with different color pen and with pencil. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 36 Various materials from Literaturecopied by T. Mamaladze. 51 autograph. 1 blocknote. written with pencil and with pen, in Georgian and Russian languages. written 1-5 and 46-49 papers. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 37 Проф. Д. И. Аракишвили - О ладовой структуре грузинских народных песен. 27 typed on typewriter papers. Excerpts from Literature Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 38 T. Mamaladze – Adjarian folk songs. sheet music notes 8 autograph. 2 A5 format paper sheets and 6 A4 format sheet music paper sheets. written in Georgian and Russian languages. notes MUS/ T.M.38/67 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 39 T. Mamaladze -On the issue of Gurian musical dialect 18 autograph. A4 format papers. 18 paper sheets pagination 1-17. written with different color pen. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 40 T. Mamaladze - Gurian musical folklore, 5 papers with typed on typewriter and autograph papers - list of Gurian songs notes, which were written by different people at different times, the place of storage and protection of these notes is unknown in most cases. 47 autograph and typed on typewriter normal and A5 format papers. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 41 T. Mamaladze - Gurian folk songs 33 autograph. different size sheet music papers. written with green pen. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 42 T. Mamaladze - Imeretian songs კვალდაკვალ - 2 variant: I variant (autograph) - 5 papers; II variant (typed on typewriter) - 4 papers 1966 9 ფ autograph and typed on typewriter A4 size papers. notes According to the inscription on the last page of the II variant, it should be printed in the 1966 number P207 of the \"Kutaisi\" newspaper. Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 43 T. Mamaladze - Modern Imeretian songs: (4 copies) (1 black, 3 printed) 93 autograph and typed on typewriter A4 size papers. written with different color pen and with pencil, in Georgian and Russian languages. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 44 T. Mamaladze - Imeretian folk songs: 5 copies, printed and manuscript. Accompanied by a plan and annotation. 109 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written with blue pen. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 45 T. Mamaladze - sheet music notes (Kakheti materials) 6 autograph. Smaller size sheet music notebook, notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 46 T. Mamaladze - Kakhetian „Mushuri“ songs 17 autograph and typed on typewriter A4 size papers. written with pencil and with pen. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 47 T. Mamaladze -work songs in Kakheti3 notebooks: I notebook 10 papers; II notebook - 10 papers; III notebook – 10 papers, 1950 30 3 notebooks: written in ink. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 48 T. Mamaladze - Lechkhum musical art - 16 papers; with annotation - 1 papers 1970 17 autograph and typed on typewriter A4 size papers. written in Georgian and Russian languages notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
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