Record N Document type, short description Date number of papers Archeographic Data of the Document Catalogue points/sections note Personal Fonds
MUS/ T.M. 49 T. Mamaladze - Analysis of Lechkhumi songs (2 variants - draft and typed variant) I variant - 9 papers (autograph); II variant - 8 paper sheets (typed). 17 A4 size papers. typed on typewriter and autograph 2 variants. written with pencil and with pen. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 50 T. Mamaladze - Analysis of Lechkhumi songs 8 \'typed on typewriter papers sheets notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 51 T. Mamaladze - draft materials about Racha and Luchkhum songs and dialects- 85 papers; Accompanied by Rachuli and Lechkhumuri songs sheet music notes copied out from literature - 27 papers 112 autograph. different size papers. written with pencil and with pen. in Georgian and Russian languages. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 52 T. Mamaladze - Metivuri songs 11 typed on typewriter A4 size papers. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 53 T. Mamaladze - songs related to agricultural activities 21 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers and music notes. Written with pen. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 54 T. Mamaladze - sheet music notes from different regions (Rachuli, Svanuri, etc.): 2 sheet music notebooks: I notebook - 10 papers; II notebook - 10 papers 20 2 sheet music notebook: Notebook I - written with blue pen, paginated 1-6; written only the mentioned papers, the other 4 paper sheets are empty; II notebook - written with blue pen, paginated with the following numbering 7-16. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 55 T. Mamaladze - Armenian materials: a) Armenian songs texts in Russian, 4 notebooks (47 papers); b) photos depicting the Armenian ethnographic existence (22 pieces); c) Fragment of an Armenian book (9 papers); d) Armenian songs sheet music notes (17 papers) 73+ 22 photos autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written in different colors with pen and with pencil, in Georgian, Russian and Armenian languages.D - the last page of Raobi is damaged (the middle part of the page is cut off) notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 56 T. Mamaladze - a) Georgian Akvnis songs (5 copies) (printed and draft) (83 papers); b) Russian lullaby songs (2 copies) (42 papers); c) lullaby materials (46 papers); d) cradle songs and other Georgian songs sheet music recordings (85 papers) 256 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written with pen and with pencil. in Georgian and Russian languages. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 57 T. Mamaladze - Peculiarities of Georgian musical folklore 13 autograph. A4 size papers. written with blue pen. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 58 T. Mamaladze -Materials on Georgian Perkhuli songs 1) song realted to Perkhuli lined - chants - 43 papers (2 notebooks); 2) Perkhuli folk songs\' sheet music notes (Pshav, Mokhevian) - 44 papers; 3) Different types of fragmented notes on Georgian Perkhuli songs - 13 papers 100 1) autograph, written with pen notebook papers; 2) different size sheet music notebooks and papers with sheet music notes written with pencil and with pen ; 3) different size papers with pencil and in ink in Russian and Georgian. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 59 T. Mamaladze - analysis of different Georgian songs. (fragmented notes) 4 autograph. different size papers. written with pen and with pencil. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 60 T. Mamaladze - Kartluri songs list and analysis 1 notebook (draft writing) 1954 9 autograph. written with pen and with pencil. notebook The last three pages are blank. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 61 T. Mamaladze\'s work - „Kartli work songs“ 35 autograph. A4 size papers. written with pen. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 62 T. Mamaladze - work songs. attached to this is songs sheet music notes 69 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written with pen and with pencil. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 63 T. Mamaladze - Excerpts about Chona, notes and sheet music materials 14 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written with pen and with pencil, in Georgian and Russian languages notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 64 T. Mamaladze - modern folk songs 17 typed on typewriter A4 size papers. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 65 T. Mamaladze - folk songs sheet music notes 25 autograph. different size papers. written with differnet color pen and with pencil. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 66 T. Mamaladze - folk art collection and studies today. (research) 14 autograph. 1 blocknote. written with pencil, in Russian and Georgian. written on 14 sheets, the rest is empty. notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 67 Legend about Stviri 1958 .17/8 2 with pencil written on two paper sheets, in Russian notes Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 68 T. Mamaladze - Gurian music folklore 6 typed on typewriter A4 size papers. account MUS/ T.M.68/69 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 69 Т. Мамаладзе - Некоторые особенности Аджарских народных песен (autograph 2 variant - 26 papers, typed 3 copies - 42 papers) 68 papers sheets. typed on typewriter and autograph. written with blue pen in Russian. Printed copies are paginated 1-14 account Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 70 T. Mamaladze - Planned work done in the first half of 1970. 1970 1 autograph. A4 size papers. written with pen report MUS/ T.M.70/71 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 71 Report of the work done in 1970 1970 1 autograph. paper sheets report Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 72 Reviews made by T. Mamaladze: 1) T. Mamaladze\'s review on I. Begijanov\'s and G. Chkhikvadze\'s work (1956); 2) T. Mamaladze\'s review On Yobashvili\'s work: Kartl-Kakhetian traditional (satseschveulebo) songs(1959. ); 3) T. Mamaladze\'s review on the work presented by E.L. Gvaramadze to receive the academic degree of Doctor of Art Studies „Грузинский танцевальный фольклор“ (1966. 21/II); 4) T. Mamaladze\'s review on I. Khashba\'s thesis „Народные музыкальные инструменты Абхазов“ (1966. 28/VI); 5) T. Mamaladze\'s review of Chijavadze\'s thesis presented for the candidate of arts academic degree: Georgian musical culture of the nineteenth century“ (1968 .1/XII); 6) T. Mamaladze\'s review on Tbilisi State University student Dodo Lomidze\'s diploma thesis Georgian/Svanuri/Changi“ (1970. 30/V); 7) T. Mamaladze\'s review - on A. Barnov\'s work Duduki Georgian musical instrument (1971); 8) T. Mamaladze\'s review - E. Giorganashvili\'s work History of Music Education in Georgia; 9) T. Mamaladze\'s review on the work of docent Boris Gulisashvili, Candidate of Art Studies, History of the Creation of a Pure Pupai; 10. T. Mamaladze review on N. Maisuradze\'s work Folk musical culture of Eastern Georgia (2 variants: printed (11 papers) and autograph (21 papers); 11) T. Mamaladze\'s review Sp. Rekhviashvili\'s essay Ancient musical culture in mountainous Racha.; 12) T. Mamaladze\'s review G. Svanidze\'s book Georgian folk songs“; 13) T. Mamaladze\'s review of Jilda Dimitri\'s daughter Kvlividze\'s diploma thesis Svanuri Changi; 14.T. Mamaladze\'s review - M. i. Georgian folk instrumental music presented by Shilakadze for obtaining the academic degree of candidate of historical sciences“; 15) T. Mamaladze\'s review A. Tsamtsishvili\'s work Georgian artists in Europe; 16) T. Mamaladze\'s review - on the work of Irine daughter of Konstantine Janashia, „Megrelian work songs“; 17) Т. С. Мамаладзе, Отзыв на диссертационную работу С. А. Адулбаевой на тему Азербайджанские народные музыкальные инструменти представленную на соискание ученой степени кандидата искусствоведения. 124 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written with pen and with pencil. in Georgian and Russian languages. Number 11 is damaged. The left side is bent. Almost none of the units have the number of written sheets reviews (hers) MUS/ T.M.72 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 73 reviews on T. Mamaladze\'s works: 1) Д. Аракишвили – рецензия на доклад 1 papers, Тамара Мамаладзе. Доклад Сельско-хозяйственные песни Кахетии. Мушури (1952. 28/I); 2)G. Chkhikvadze - review on T. Mamaladze\'s account - Criticism of bourgeois theories on labor songs“ (1953 .28/XII) – 2 papers; 3) G. Chkhikvadze - review on T. Mamaladze\'s account Georgian songs\' features“ (1954 .20/XII) – 1 papers; 4) G. Gvakharia - review on T. Mamaladze\'s „work songs in Kakheti“ (1955 .19/XII) – 1 papers; 5)B. Gulisashvili - review T. On Mamaladze\'s work Kartlur-Kakhuri work song - Urmuli (1956. 22/I) – 8 papers; 6) G. Chkhikvadze - review on T. Mamaladze\'s account, „Akvnis Nana“ (1959. ) 1 papers; 7) Ш. Асланишвили - рецензия на исследование Тамары Самсоновны Мамаладзе - (1964 .17/I (2 variant, typed on typewriter 19 papers and autograph - 11 papers); 8)V. Itonishvili\'s review on T. Mamaladze\'s work The structure of Svan traditional songs“ (1964 .1/VI) - 2 papers); 9) candidate of historical sciences T. Ochiauris and Upapers laborantis N. Maisuradze\'s review on T. Mamaladze\'s work The structure of Svan traditional songs“ - 2 variant: I variant - 2 papers; II variant - 2 papers (1964. 1/VI) - 4 papers; 10) Д. Л. Ватеишвили - Краткая рецензия Т. Мамаладзе „Трудовые песни Кахети (1964 . 7/VII) – 4 papers; 11) Otar Chijavadze\'s review T. Mamaladze\'s work Musical folklore of Imereti“ (1965. 12/XII) – 2 papers ; 12) Review by unknown author on T. Mamaladze\'s work The structure of Svan traditional songs“ - 1 papers 57 different size papers. typed on typewriter and autograph. written in Georgian and Russian languages reviews (about her) MUS/ T.M.73 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 74 Photos of musical groups taken in different parts of Georgia and a photo of Kanaka, master of instruments from Zugdidi. 6 photos different size photos Photo material MUS/ T.M.74/75 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 75 songs music notes photocopies from unknown book, 6 songs (1 Imeretian, 5 Svan) 6 photos, size 17,5X23,5 Photo material Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 76 a) maps (work songs\' distribution area (18 papers); b) cards related to labor songs (copied material for maps (26 papers) 44 autograph and printed different size papers. written with different color pens maps MUS/ T.M.76/78 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 77 The map is made on a tracing paper 1 Hand drawn map on non-standard sized tracing paper. maps Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 78 Схематическая катра Свании (сост. тотограф Г. И. Бровкин под. Ред. Деген-Ковалевского)? 1 A3 size paper sheets. maps Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
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