Record N Document type, short description Date number of papers Archeographic Data of the Document Catalogue points/sections note Personal Fonds
MUS/ T.M. 79 M. Chikovani\'s letter to T. Mamaladze. 1 autograph. A4 size paper sheets. written with pen. correspondence (with them) MUS/ T.M.79/80 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 80 A. Tsanava\'s letter to T. Mamaladze 1 autograph, non-standard size paper sheets. written with black pen. correspondence (with them) Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 81 A small fragmentary note 1 autograph, notebook paper sheets. written with pencil in Russian. Fragment MUS/ T.M.81 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 82 T. Mamaladze - memoirs about the life and work of Meliton Balanchivadze. 2 typed on typewriter A4 size papers. memuars (theirs) MUS/ T.M.82/83 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 83 T. Mamaladzea and V. Gvakharia memoirs about the 35th anniversary of Gr. Chkhikvadze\'s life and work. 4 variants: the printed variant is accompanied by list of works of Gr. Chkhikvadze 28. IV. 1954 22 autograph and \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. in ink and with pen. I variant - 4 papers; II variant - 3 papers; III variant - 3 papers; IV variant (typed on typewriter) - 2 copies - 8 papers accompanied by a list of Chkhikvadze\'s works - 4 papers memuars (theirs) Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 84 Invitation - to the public session of the Georgian Academy of Sciences 1969 2 typed on typewriter. Non-standard sized papers. varia MUS/ T.M.84-94 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 85 T. Mamaladze - D. Materials of Arakishvili: A) О Народной песне Аджарии, план работы (57 papers). B) Adjarian songs\' sheet music notes (80 papers) ?C) Одноголосные песни Аджарии (10papers).? 147 A) typed on typewriter A4 size papers. It is printed in Georgian and Russian languages. Paginated from sheet 3 to leaf 58. missing 56th paper sheets; b) sheet music papers typed on typewriter in Georgian and Russian languages. Paginated from sheet 2 to 160, papers are paginated on both sides of the sheet; c) typed on typewriter A4 size papers. It is printed in Georgian and Russian languages. Paginated from sheet 3 to sheet 10 with pagination 2-10, missing 3rd paper sheet. varia Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 86 Kakhuri songs recorded by Mariam Arjevanishvili Gonjaoba (1 papers), Dideba Gremshi (2 papers) 3 autograph, papers, written with pencil and with pen. varia Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 87 song list recorded by Professor Sh. Aslanishvili in Svaneti - 1946; in Mta-Tusheti - 1947; in Pshav-Khevsureti - 1948; in Khevi-Mtuulet-Gudamakari - 1949; in Mtis Racha - 1949. 2 copies I (autograph) - 4 papers; II (print) - 7 papers 11 autograph and \'typed on typewriter papers sheets, written in blue ink. varia Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 88 The road traveled by song. Article from newspaper G. About Ghoghoberidze, author Sh. Atabagi 1965. 24/II 1 An article excerpt from a newspaper. varia Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 89 songs lists (preserved in the House of Folk Creation, Conservatory and Institute of History) 64 typed on typewriter papers sheets. varia Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 90 Georgian-folk songs list recorded on gramaphone records, magnetic tapes. 19 \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. varia Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 91 folk songs list on vinyls, and wox roll 4 \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. varia Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 92 printed brochures: 1) Brochure: Alphabet for studying music notes D. Arakishvili (10 papers); 2) Scientific Conference XI SSR Academy of Sciences of Georgia. The conference is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Soviet government in Georgia and the establishment of the Communist Party of Georgia (25 papers). 35 1) printed brochure; 2) printed, with pagination 3-50. varia Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 93 Probably a list of Niko Sulkhanishvili\'s works. 3 \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. varia It is currently impossible to determine the location of all works listed. 22. X. 2014 Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ T.M. 94 List of works on issues of Georgian musical folklore. 3 autograph, papers. written with blue pen. varia Tamar Mamaladze\'s Fond
MUS/ მ.შ.1/35 Manana Shilakadze Fondi MUS/ მ.შ.1/35
MUS/ მ.შ. 1 M. Shilakadze - 1971. Diaries of the Guria-Adjara expedition (Chokhatauri, Lanchkhuti, Makharadze, Kobuleti districts) (2 notebooks) 1971. 12 July - 12 August 162 autograph. notebook papers. Notebook N1 contains 96 sheets. written on all sheets (v) except the 2nd sheet. Notebook N2 is a continuation of the first one. Contains 66 sheets. written on 51 sheets (v) the last 15 paper sheets are empty. written in blue and black color with pen. expeditions MUS/ მ.შ.1/8 Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 2 M. Shilakadze - diaries of the 1972 Guria expedition (Lanchkhuti district) (2 blocknotes) are accompanied by an appendix - equipment materials for diaries (9 paper sheets). Also report of expedition work - annotation (in 2 copies) - 2 papers 1972. 19.VIII-1.IX 110 autograph. Blocknote N1 contains 50 sheets. written on sheet 49 on the r side. blocknote N2 is a continuation of the first one. Contains 49 sheets. 18 written (r) blocknote size A5. Accompanied by different size 9 paper sheets. written in the notebook only with blue pen. The attachment is made in blue with pen and with pencil. The work report is made in blue with pen in Georgian and Russian languages ​​on paper. expeditions Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 3 M. Shilakadze - Tianeti District Expedition Materials of 1969: 1) Diary of a trip to Tianeti region (1969) - 90 papers; 2) Report of a trip to Tianeti on the topic - folk stringed instruments in Eastern Georgia (31 papers). Accompanied by sheet music notes (2 paper sheets) and sheet music Excerpts (5 paper sheets. 1969. 22 July - 5 August 128 Contains one notebook. From the 1st sheet to the 42nd, written only on the sheet (r) and numbered accordingly only on the r side. From the 43rd, written on both sides and numbered accordingly on both sides of the sheet. 11 papers are empty, paper sheets 75 are folded. Papers 76-86 are empty. Written on the cover as well. Written with blue pen.; 2) Pagination is confused, between p. 10 and p. 11 there is one paper sheet - handwritten. P. 18 - numbering is repeated twice. Written in Georgian and Russian. Part typewritten, part autograph. Written with blue pen. expeditions Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 4 M. Shilakadze - Diary of the 1982 Tbilisi Ethnographic Expedition 1982. 52 autograph, blocknoteს papers. written 46 on paper (r). with blue pen. expeditions Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 5 M. Shilakadze - Diary of the Meskheti 1987 (Akhaltsikhe and Aspindza regions) expedition (2 notebooks) 1987 .22 July - 9 August 116 autograph, notebook papers. Notebook N1 contains 58 sheets, the last 4 paper sheets are blank, Notebook N2 is a continuation of the first, contains 58 sheets. The last 7 paper sheets are blank. written with blue pen on the r side of the sheet. expeditions Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 6 M. Shilakadze - Diary of the Samegrelo 1973 (Tskhakaia and Khobi regions) expedition. Attached Photo material: Photo N1-2 - 1973 .August. Khobi district. Sajijao Japshakari Arsen Tirkia\'s family. Maro Tirkia Chonguri; Photo N3 - 1973 .Simon Kurua (Kurashvili) Khobi district, Upper Kvaloni; Photo N4;5;6 - 1973 .August Khobi district. Sajijao Japshakari with Maro Tirkia Chonguri.; Photo N7;8 - 1973 .Lavrenti Lomaia, Khobi district. Sopapers Akhalkhibula; Photo N9-10, Simon Kurua (Kurashvili) Khobi district, Zemo Kvaloni (1973) 1973 .26 July - 9 August 113-papers+10 photos. autograph, notebook papers. One 96-sheet notebook. Written on the (r) side. Accompanying the notebook are 17 paper sheets which are continuations of the notebook. The last two paper sheets are blank. Written with blue pen. Accompanied by an envelope containing 10 photographs. expeditions Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 7 M. Shilakadze - Diary of the Samegrelo expedition of 1983 (Tsalenjikha and Chkhorotsku regions). (2 notebooks) 1983 .27 June - 11 July 69 autograph, notebook papers. Notebook N1 contains 48 sheets, written on 47 sheets (r). Notebook N2 is a continuation of the first. Contains 22 sheets. Written on the (r) side. The last 3 paper sheets are blank. Written with blue pen. expeditions Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 8 M. Shilakadze - Diary of the 1986 Kiziki and Outer Kakheti (Tsiteltskaro, Sighnaghi, Sagarejo regions) expedition 1986 .12-31 July 96 autograph, notebook papers. One 96-sheet notebook. The last one of the paper sheets is blank. written with blue pen on the (r) side of the sheet. expeditions Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 9 M. Shilakadze - songs related to agriculture. Paper on the above topic (7 paper sheets). Accompanied by a map - songs related to agriculture (end of the XIX century and beginning of the XX century). Accompanied by explanations (4 paper sheets) 1973 12 autograph and typed on typewriter papers. Map materials written bu hand, with blue pen records.MUS/ მ.შ.9/23 Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 10 M. Shilakadze - Stringed Folk Instruments of Eastern Georgia (Panduri). 1970 .(77 paper sheets). with annotation (3 paper sheets) and table - Panduri Varieties by Angles (2 paper sheets) 1970 82 autograph and machine-printed papers. Missing. Missing the following papers (66-70); 78; 80-82; The table is presented in 2 copies. written in Georgian and Russian with blue pen. notes. Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 11 M. Shilakadze - Stringed Folk Instruments in Western Georgia (Chonguri). Prepared according to the 1971 Guria-Adjara Ethnographic Expedition Materials. 2 copies (49-49 paper sheets); Annotation (1 paper); Questions about his report (7 paper sheets) 1971. 106 autograph and \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. written with blue pen. notes. Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 12 M. Shilakadze - stringed folk instrument chonguri in Western Georgia (Guria-Samegrelo). Report prepared according to the 1972 Guria Expedition Materials. (42 paper sheets). Attached is an extract from the minutes of the meeting about the hearing of the said report and a reply to the opponent (V. Gvakharia) - 5 papers 1972. 47 autograph and typed on typewriter papers. written with blue pen, in Georgian and Russian languages. notes Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 13 M. Shilakadze - Folk stringed instruments of Western Georgia (Racha, Svaneti) paper (43 paper sheets) 1974. 43 typed on typewriter.Handwritten annotation with blue pen. written in Georgian and Russian languages notes. Manana Shilakadze fond
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