Record N Document type, short description Date number of papers Archeographic Data of the Document Catalogue points/sections note Personal Fonds
MUS/ მ.შ. 14 M. Shilakadze - From Georgian-North Caucasian ethnocultural relations. Instrumental music of the peoples of the Caucasus (dance genre). Account (49 paper sheets). Accompanied by a description of the notes (1 paper) 1983. 52 account– typed on typewriter. Music note description-autograph, written with blue pen. notes. Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 15 M. Shilakadze - Georgian-North Caucasian ethnocultural relations. Instrumental music of the peoples of the Caucasus (in the vocal-instrumental genre) accompanied by theses 1984. 77 autograph. 72 paper sheets of parchment. Numbering begins on page 3. Title is given on the first page. Contents on the second page. Written on the r side of the sheet, in black with pen. in Georgian and Russian languages. Accompanied by theses (5 paper sheets). autograph. notes Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 16 M. Shilakadze - Materials of the Historical-Ethnographic Atlas of Georgia - work songs Related to Farming (completed variant) (23 paper sheets) accompanied by sheet music notes (4 paper sheets) 1976. 27 \'typed on typewriter papers sheets. in Georgian and Russian languages. Accompanied by sheet music papers written in black color with pen notes. Historical Ethnographic Atlas Materials Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 17 M. Shilakadze - Cartographic materials for the historical-ethnographic atlas of Georgia.1) work songs related to agriculture (1st-2nd half of the 19th century) (5 paper sheets) - 1976.2) work songs related to the agriculture (end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century) (2 paper sheets) - 1973.3) work songs related to agriculture (30s of the 20th century) (4 paper sheets);Accompanied by notes related to cartographic materials (17 paper sheets) 1976. 28 autograph and typed on typewriter different size papers. written in blue, green and red colors with pen. notes. Historical Ethnographic Atlas Materials Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 18 M. Shilakadze - Materials for the Historical-Ethnographic Atlas of Georgia - Material related to labor songs:1) Materials for the work (62 paper sheets);2) Cartographic material on the topic of work songs related to agricultural life (51 paper);3) Various types of notes (15 paper sheets);4) Excerpts related to work songs (165 cards);5) Catalog of work songs (notes) (compiled based on T. Mamaladze\'s Labor songs in Kakheti, Ts., 1963) (89 paper sheets) (cards are in envelopes). 1976. 382 autograph, different size papers. written in Georgian and Russian, blue and green with pen. notes. Historical Ethnographic Atlas Materials Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 19 M. Shilakadze - Materials for the Historical-Ethnographic Atlas of Georgia - 1981 travel account to Kakheti (Tsiteltskaro and Lagodekhi regions) and Imereti (Chiatura and Terjola regions). 1981 23 autograph. A4 size papers. written with blue pen. notes. Historical Ethnographic Atlas Materials Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 20 M. Shilakadze - Georgian folk instruments and instrumental music. I. Georgian folk string instruments. Paper (72 paper sheets) with annotation (1 paper). 1986. 73 autograph. A4 format papers. written in Georgian and Russian languages. with blue pen. notes for Georgian ethnographic essays Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 21 M. Shilakadze - Georgian folk instruments and instrumental music. II. aerophone instruments and instrumental ensembles. The work contains 43 pages + annotation (1 paper). 1987. 44 autograph. A4 format papers. written in Georgian and Russian languages.with black pen notes for Georgian ethnographic essays Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 22 M. Shilakadze - Non-Georgian Musical Instruments in Georgia (Oriental Musical Instruments). Paper - 41 paper. with annotation (1 papers) 1988. 42 autograph. A4 format papers. written in Georgian and Russian languages. blue and black pen notes for Georgian ethnographic essays Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 23 M. Shilakadze - Folk Instruments and Georgian-North Caucasian Cultural Connections. Paper - 59 + 1 paper - Table of Contents. with annotation (1 papers) 1989 61 autograph A4 format papers. written in Georgian and Russian languages. with blue pen. notes for Georgian ethnographic essays Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 24 M. Shilakadze - Report of the work carried out in 1971 with and without a plan (2 paper sheets) 1971. 2 autograph. written in Georgian and Russian languages, with blue pen. reportMUS/ მ.შ.24/32 Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 25 M. Shilakadze - 1972. Report of the work carried out (2 copies) 1972. 4 autograph. written in Georgian and Russian languages. with blue pen. Second one is a photocopy report Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 26 M. Shilakadze - 1974 report and annotation on the topic - folk stringed instruments in Western Georgia (Racha; Svaneti) 1974. 2 autograph. written with blue pen. report Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 27 M. Shilakadze - Report on the work carried out in 1983 with a plan and without plan. 1983. 1 autograph. written with blue pen. report Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 28 M. Shilakadze - Report on the work carried out in 1984 with and without a plan (1 paper). 1984. 1 autograph. written with blue pen. report Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 29 M. Shilakadze - Report on the work carried out in 1986 with and without a plan (2 paper sheets). 1986 .1/XII 2 autograph. written in Georgian and Russian languages with blue pen. report Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 30 M. Shilakadze - Report of work carried out in 1987 (2 paper sheets). 1987. 2 autograph. written in Georgian and Russian languages, with black pen report Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 31 M. Shilakadze - Report on the work carried out in 1988 with and without a plan. 1988. 1 autograph. written in Georgian and Russian languages, with black pen report Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 32 M. Shilakadze - Report on the work carried out in 1989 with and without a plan (2 paper sheets). 1989. 1 autograph. written in Georgian and Russian languages, with blue pen. report Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 33 M. Shilakadze - hand-turned wheat grinder.1) Account: I variant - 17 paper sheets; II variant - 23 paper sheets; 2) Excerpts from the materials of Zoya Tughushi and J. Rukhadze related to the above issue: a) Zoya Tughushi\'s material from Lanchkhuti district (7 paper sheets); b) J. Rukhadze\'s material from Tetritskaro district - 6 paper sheets;3) 3 photographs. 2 of them - hand-turned wheat grinder without a hoe. Martkopi. Ethnographic Department of the Museum of Local History N186-64, photo by L. Safraziani; 3rd photo - hand-turned wheat grinder with a hoe, Samegrelo. Sak. Sakh. Museum. Photo by L. Safraziani. 1982. 53 papers + 3 photos autograph. written in Georgian and Russian languages,with blur and black pen. account Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 34 V. Gvakharia\'s review of M. Shilakadze\'s report on Folk String Instruments in Western Georgia (Report on work in the Guria Expedition). 1971 .17/XI 1 autograph. written with blue pen. review (about him) Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ მ.შ. 35 Agreement and Act of Acceptance and Delivery. Dodo Ilia\'s daughter Lomidze was assigned (later performed) to transcribe appropriate material for the topic of the historical-ethnographic atlas - Labor songs related to farming (133 cards) 1976 .15 October - 15 November 2 typed on typewriter. handwritten. VARIA Manana Shilakadze fond
MUS/ ნ.ს. 1- 2; Niko Sulkhanishvili Fondi
MUS/ ნ.ს. 1 Niko Sulkhanishvili - Musical compositions and hymns recorded and composed by N. Sulkhanishvili. proofread variant 3 in a large sheet music notebook: Notebook N1 - 47 papers; Mravalzhamier (Gurian) - p. 1 r; Asamaghebeli - p. 1 r; Antiphon I - p. 1 r; Antiphon II re. - p. 1r-1v; Antiphon (N) III me - p. 1v -2v; Movedit Takvani Vtset - p. 2 v; Upalo Atskhovne - p. 2v; Amen. Tsmidao Ghmerto N1 - p. 2v-3r; Tsmidao Ghmerto N2 - p. 3r: Jvarsa Shensa - p. 3r-3v; By Raodenta Kristes Mier - p. 3 v; Tsardgomebi Kvirisa - p. 3v-4v; Alleluia. da sulisatsa. Dideba Shenda. - p. 4 v; Shegvitskaleni - p. 4v; Romelni Kerubimta - p. 4v - 5 r; Amen. da vitartsa - p. 5 r-5v ; mogvmadleni- p. 5v; Mamasa da Dzesa - p. 5v; Mrtsamsi - p. 6 r-7 r; Tskaloba Mshvidoba - p. 7 r; Tsm. Tsm. Tsm. Upalo - p. 7 r-7v; Amen N1, N2 - p. 7v; Shen gigalobt - p. 7v - 8 r; Ghirs ars cheshmaritad - p. 8 r-8v; Kovelta da Kovlisatvis- p. 8v; Mamao Chveno - p. 8v - 9 r; Ert ars tsminda - p. 9r; Akebdet upalsa tsatagan - p. 9 r-9v; Khortsi kristesi mivighot - p. 9v; shen khar venakhi - p. 9v; kurtkheul ars momavali - p. 9v - 10 r; nateli cheshmariti- p. 10 r; Amen. Aghavse piri chemi - p. 10 r-10v;sakhelita uplisata- upalo shegvitskalen p. 10v; Amen. ikavn sakheli uplisa kurtkheul - p. 10v; Amen. dideba mamasa da dzesa - p. 10v - 11 r; uketilmsakhuresi - p. 11 r-11v (Added note: The end of the liturgy of John Chrysostom. Harmonization by Z. Paliashvili). Dideba Maghalta shina (Seminary Kilo - corrected and developed for many voices by N. Sulkhanishvili 1914. VIII during the war) - p. 12 r-13v ; Tone Despotin Russian. Music Lisitsina. The ban is correct. The note follows... (?) The remaining parts are processed by N. Sulkhanishvili, because it is not printed and we have not found a manuscript. 1914.VIII - p. 13v - 14 r; On the v side of the 47th sheet, a new note begins - Shoba Uplisa Chvenisa Ieso Kristesi. Troparion of December 25, voice 4. Abbreviated Georgian Kilo by N. Sulkhanishvili. On the r-side of the 47th sheet - 4 voices. Troparion Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Notebook N2 - 50 papers: The second sheet music notebook repeats the same texts on the first thirteen pages (presumably the score of the second part of this musical work). From the 13th page v - side to the 15th page v - side inclusive is the sheet music score of the musical works, which refers to, is dedicated to Queen Tamar. From the 48th sheet music sheet v - side, new sheet music notes have been made: 48v - 48 r from the liturgy; 47v - the paraklis of the saint; Notebook N3 - 47 papers: The third sheet music notebook repeats the texts of the first and second sheet music notebooks of liturgical content. 144 Notebook N1 - 47-sheet sheet music notebook, outer cover inscribed N1; M2-105. Sheet music notes are made on the r-v sides of the first 14 sheets and on the v-r sides of the 47th sheet, which is paginated as number 15. On the back cover is inscribed with pencil: Abbreviated Kiloes by N. Sulkhanishvili. The inscription is faint and difficult to distinguish. Notebook N2 - 50-sheet sheet music notebook: outer cover is inscribed N2 M2-105; Score. The first non-sheet music sheet contains a list of surnames: (Sidamonidze, Kardanakhlishvili, Shoshiashvili, Changashvili, Aivazov Archila, Aivazov Mikhail), as well as a list of surnames on the last, non-sheet music sheet (Bregvadze, Jaljishvili (?) Goniashvili, Rcheulishvili, Sidamon-Eristavi, Vachnadze, Martuladze, Zautashvili, Shavliashvili), which are indicated in the III century. Presumably, these individuals must have been members of N. Sulkhanishvili\'s choir. The musical notes are made on the r-v side of the first 15 sheet music sheets and on the v-side of the 47th sheet, which is paginated as number 16, and on the v-r side of the 48th sheet, which is paginated as number 17. The remaining sheet music papers are blank. Notebook N3 - 47-sheet sheet music notebook, the outer cover is marked N3; M2-105. Sheet music notes are made on the r-v - and r - sides of the first 12 sheets, the rest of the sheet music papers are blank. Nino Sulkhanishvili Fondi
MUS/ ნ.ს. 2 Niko Sulkhanishvili - sheet music notes (25 sheet music paper sheets) and notebook papers made by N. Sulkhanishvili Notes of sacred liturgical works (Antiphon I Li; Antiphon II Re) - 3 papers; 28 sheet music papers numbered with the following pagination: 38-50; 60-71. bottom of 45thpaper thre is inscribtion: St. N. Monastridam notes transcribed by Mt. Deacon and Choir master Father Kote (?) Chutkerashvili. 1912 .Small size sheet with pagination - 68 has a Russian inscription: Отца и сина. Киевского ро-спива (обиходь. 24 стр.) сочинение Н. Sulkhanishvili. On the bottom right side of the sheet is the date 1915 г. 10 дек. Телави. Nino Sulkhanishvili Fondi
MUS/ ნ.მ. 1/2 Nino Maisuradze Fondi
MUS/ ნ.მ. 1 Nino Maisuradze\'s materials - songs texts:1) Gergetula - 1 papers (pp. 1-2);2) dideba - 1 papers (pp. 3). 2 autograph, on papers. written in blue pen Nino Maisuradze Fondi
MUS/ ნ.მ. 2 N. Maisuradze\'s material - Tushetian, Gudamakar, Mtiuli, Mokhevian, Dagestan, Chachna-Ingush musical material - sheet music notes. 2 copies. Original - 31 papers; Photocopy - 31 papers; 62 sheet music notes on paper. papers paginated, numeration 292-322. notes on the first page: Tushetian songs redorded in 1965. Mtiuluri, Mokhevian, Gudamaqarian and Daghestanian in 1961, 1966 years., Chechen-Ingush songs recorded in 1976. 82 in total. 61 recorded and notated by N. Maisuradze. 10 - recorded by N. Azikuri with request of N. Maisuradze, notated by N. Maisuradze. 11 - takken from Sh. Aslanishvili\'s unpublished materials, from manuscript sheet music notebook. The aforementioned material was provided to the Institute by N. Maisuradze. Nino Maisuradze Fondi
MUS/ ი.გ. 1/2 Irina Gegechkori Fondi
MUS/ ი.გ. 1 Materials recorded in Tbilisi by Irina Gegechkori regarding the making of musical instruments:1) Description of the duduk and the rules of its making (recorded in 1981. ) - 23 papers;2) Description of musical instruments and the rules of its making (recorded in 1982. ) - 36 papers 59 papers + 11 photos Autograph, papers. written with pen. The textual part is paginated 1-16; On pages 17-22 there are tabulars with 11 photos, on page 23 there is a description of the tabulars. 2) autograph, papers. written with pen Irina Gegechkori Fondi
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