Record N Document type, short description Date number of papers Archeographic Data of the Document Catalogue points/sections note Personal Fonds
MUS/ ი.გ. 2 Irine Gegechkori\'s material: Republican House of Folk Creativity; 59 urban songs. 63 autograph, on paper sheets. written with pen Irina Gegechkori Fondi
MUS/ VARIA. 1/6 Musical Fondi VARIA
MUS/ VARIA. 1 M. Arjevanishvili\'s recorded songs. Accompanied by explanations of the time and place of performance of the songs recorded by him. (pp. 1-7); Excerpts from the materials of Arakishvili, Gr. Chkhikvadze, Gr. Kokelidze, T. Mamaladze (pp. 8-15) 17 autograph. on different size sheet music papers, written in ink and with pencil. Musical fondi VARIA
MUS/ VARIA. 2 Luira (Lia) Kobalava\'s dissertation: The Phenomenon of polyphony of four voices in Georgian Folk Song Creation - 137 papers; accompanied by black material related to the aforementioned work - 43 papers 1999. 180 autograph and typed on typewriter on different size papers, written in blue, red and black pen. Musical fondi VARIA
MUS/ VARIA. 3 Scores of musical works:Field Field - Mountain Racha, Sopapers Glola; Lullaby - Mountain Racha, Glola, 1949. : Zhuzhuna - Mountain Racha, Sopapers Glola 1949. ; Perkhuli (I voice), Kazbegi, 1949; Dideba - Sopapers Gergeti, 1949. ; Gergetula - Sopapers Gergeti, 1949. ; Perkhuli - Sopapers Gergeti, 1949. ; Mokheuri Smuri - Sopapers Sno, 1949. ; Smuri (Samgloviaro). Smuri - Sno, 1949. 1949 10 Sheet Music Notebook, Sheet Music Notes are made on 5 sheets, written on both sides of the sheet with a blue color a pen. Musical fondi VARIA
MUS/ VARIA. 4 Foreign authors about Georgian music:1) Работа и музыка - Горнбостель - 2 variant: I variant (autograph) - 2 notebook - 17 papers;, II variant (printed) - 2 copies - 34 papers;2) З. Надел - Грузинские песни - 55 papers;3) materials abour Z. Nadeli - 15 papers; 4) М. Шнаидер - Музыкальные отношения между первобытными культурами, древними земледельцами и пастушескими народами- 12 papers 5) Materials on M. Schneider - 5 papers; 6) Бюхер - Работа и ритм? - 2 notebook - 19 papers, Includes materials on Bucher - for his criticism - 27 papers;7) Artur Byhan - La civilization caucasienne- 32 papers;8) S. Mourier- Samegrelo (ancient Colchis) - 7 papers;9) Excerpts from М. Броссе book - 9papers; 10) short Excerpts: a) Фредерик Дюбуа де Монперэ - 2 papers; b) Валашек - 3 papers; c) Georges Contenau - 6 papers; d) Дж. Томсон- 2 papers; (in total- 13 papers);11) Armenian materials: a) Шавердян - Комитас - 5 papers; b) Самвелян - Армянские народные трудовые песни - 4 papers; c) А. Кочарян - Армянская народная музыка - 6 papers; d) Поров - Армянская музыка - 4 papers; e) Komitasi and Orovelas recorded by him - 22 papers; f) Davit Sasunitsi - 4 papers; g) Карапуян - 1 papers; h) Мойсей Хоренский - 1 papers (in total - 47 papers); 12) Materials on work songs - 24 papers; 13) sheet music notebook Songs of the peoples of the world - 12 papers;14) schemes - 4 papers; 15) different notes - 16 papers 348 1.autograph and \'typed on typewriter papers sheets, written with pen, notebook papers, in Russian; 2) \'typed on typewriter papers sheets, in Russian; 3) autograph, written with pencil and with pen, on notebooks and different size papers in Russian and German; 4) \'typed on typewriter papers sheets in Russian; 5) autograph, written in ink and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages A5format papers; 6) autograph, written with pen and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages in notebook and A5 format papers; 7) autograph, written with pen and with pencil in Georgian (8 papers.); French (9 papers.) and Russian (15 papers.) 8) autograph, written in ink and with pencil Georgian, in Russian and French.; 9) autograph, written in ink in Russian and French on A5 format papers; 10) autograph, written with pencil and in ink in Russian and French different size papers; 11) autograph and \'typed on typewriter, papers sheets, written in ink and with pencil in Georgian and Russian languages different size papers; 12) autograph, written with pencil and in ink in Georgian and Russian languages different size papers; 13) small size sheet music notebook sheet music notes in ink. in German 14) with pencil and in ink notes on paper and calque; 15) autograph, different size papers.written in ink and with pencil Georgian, in Russian and French Musical fondi VARIA
MUS/ VARIA. 5 Гиппиус, Народные песни и инструментальные наигрыши адыгов –I part - 43 papers; II part - 39 papers;III part - 29 papers; IV part - 39 papers; V part - 20 papers; VI part - 7 papers; VIII part - 10 papers 187 \'typed on typewriter papers sheets in Russian. on papers there are different size sheet music papers glued, with sheet music notes Folder inscribed: Sent by Galina Goncharova from Maykop Musical fondi VARIA
MUS/ VARIA. 6 Б. А. Гулисашвили - Ритм грузинской народной песни (work) 2 notebook: notebook N1 (pagination 1-95) - 95 manuscript paper sheets + 5 manuscript paper sheets (tabs); notebook N2 (pagination 96-148) - 53 manuscript paper sheets. 1947. 153 autograph, notebook papers. written with pencil in Russian. Musical fondi VARIA
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